Hola Beetch
"AN ASK FROM CrunchyCookies, who asked, "To the Manager: Why do you and the owner of Silly Pete's Pizza and Games dislike one another? It's okay if you don't wanna answer! Have a good day/night!" The Manager put down his paperwork and sighed. "The owner of Silly Pete's and I have some bad history with one another..not to mention that he stole my ideas and the animatronics coding to make them sentient like Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and the others. Oh, and thank you! You have a good night as well!" the Manager said. "ANOTHER ONE. This one is from FriskyChanYT, who asked, "How do you guys cry? Your builders must've put water tanks in there or something. Why would you need them? I would think you wouldn't need to cry at a Birthday party." Goldie shrugged and shook his head. "No clue. Henry built us and put everything in us, so I would think he put them in there to make us capable of feeling emotions?? I mean, we DO have coding that allows us to be human like so...again idk." Goldie explained.
(Somewhere in the basement..)
Shadow Freddy had just finished toying with Toy Golden Fredda's coding and was admiring his work. "From White_milk_bacon_kid, who asked, "What even is your plan Shadow? What do you want to do with the pizzeria anyways? And are you even sure this plan of yours is going to work??" Shadow just chuckled lightly and turned around to face a camera he had rolling, his back turned from Toy Golden Fredda for a moment. "Well, dear asker, my plan is to get either get Golden on my side so I can make him use his powers to destory those abominations that people call "robots"..if that doesn't work, which I'm most certain it probably will fail, I will kidnap Golden and make him watch as I tear apart those goody-two shoe robots that he calls his.."friends" or "family". And as for my plan on what to do with this place? I want to take it over and harness the power out of Golden and into my "coding" so I become all powerful and take over this pizzeria..and the town, possibly the world if Golden's powers are as strong as I presume them to be. And for your question about if my plan is gonna work..?? Heh heh..it will now that I have this doll on my team~" Shadow Freddy walked over to Toy Golden Fredda and put his arm around her shoulders as if they were a couple and in love. "With her on my team, I can either use her as a decoy or something like that and then spring attack or..she could help me wipe those robot pests out while Golden watches us..but, in any case, either one of those plans will work. Trust me, I'd know from experience~..if it worked on him, then it'd work on Golden and his team." Shadow finally finished explaining his plan to that one little asker and he backed away into the shadows as he turned back to Toy Golden Fredda and began to work on her coding some more. "One from CrunchyCookies, who asked, "Heya! Would guys rather be mentally broken or physically broken??" Mangle just stared with a look of irritation in her eyes. "I don't have really much of a choice here." she said grimly. "Oh..tough one. I'd say physically. I mean, look at Mangle up there! She's physically broken and she still functions alright and still looks and talks cool!" Bonnie said, pointing to Mangle on the ceiling. "Thanks?" Mangle asked. Goldie didn't answer..he just looked at the floor and remained silent while a flood of thoughts rushed into his head. Freddy pondered, but never answered. Mostly everyone said physically broken, except BB who didn't know what the fock was going on. Mari was beginning to take note of Goldie's silence and she walked over to him and stood by his side. "You okay there, Goldie..?" Mari kindly asked. Goldie couldn't hear her because he was ranting with himself inside of his brain. "I don't even know what I am after that summer day." "But, you couldn't prevent it from happening, Goldie." "Yes, I could have." "No. Those kids shoved him into your mouth. You couldn't fight back." "But I could've done something! ANYTHING!!" "We didn't know that they would do that..!" "I most likely knew the whole time!" "You couldn't have known!" "THIS IS MY PUNISHMENT FOR KILLING THAT POOR KID!" "IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!!---" "GOLDIE!" Mari called. Goldie gasped a slight and blinked at nothing. "Wha..? What? Who said my name..?" Goldie asked. "I did. Are you okay?" Mari asked as she got Goldie's attention. "I..I don't know. I just started talking to myself. Sorry.." Goldie apologized "You're okay Goldie. Just be careful with what you tell yourself." Mari said, smiling. She walked away and Goldie dropped his smile from his face and looked around at everyone. "One more from DrVonandWiskers, who said, "I always wanted to know..Goldie, are you happy to see new people???" Goldie nodded. "Yeah!! I love meeting new folks and learning about them and their pasts! I especially like new people that are human. So, there's that." Goldie said softly. "One, again, from CrunchyCookies, who asked, "Goldie have you ever sworn before? If so, did you get a punishment?" Goldie nodded sadly and slowly. "Yeeaahh. Uh, I may have tried to curse out Freddy a few months back and I got put in the corner for about 20 minutes so yeeaahhhh." Goldie explained. "Last one from our good friend, LolaNickname, who said, "Ah, yes, Bonnie is a man of culture I see. Also, who else has told you the B"off"ie thing?" Bonnie smiled and sat down in a party chair and sat like a prince, pretending to hold a tea cup in his hand and drinking it. "Ah. Yes, I am." Bonnie said in the best British accent he could manage. "Oh, and the B"off"ie thing. Chica said it about twice, Mike 3 times, and this..little girl who always comes up to the stage, sits there on the edge by my feet and talks to me. I think her name was..Jessica, yes? Anyways, she told me that once and that's what got those two looney bonker donkers to do that." Bonnie explained to the asker. "Oops! One last one, sorry!! An asker used ASkeR magIC!! *poOF! Goldie is now a baby for one hour!!* Goldie perked up in surprise. "Wait wha--" Goldie was saying, until he shrunk into a little baby golden bear. "DAWWWW!! HE'S SO CUUUTTEEE!!!" Goldie's friend group squealed as they looked at the small baby bear on the floor. Freddy walked over to him, picked him up and sighed. "Oh boy." he said.
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