Vincent's past?
Play audio above to understand picture:)
Vincent: c Charlotte...b but that's not possible she's dead....
Me: well yes and noooo?heh umm there technically souls Vincent
Me: and technically Charlotte knew it wasn't Will that killed them but she tried stoping the others but they wouldn't listen they thought he was you
Vincent: I'm aware
Me: .... when she realized it wasn't you ...she told the moron's you killed Mr William .....
Me: yet one of the other kids that actually left said well that's just dandy he'll know the pain ..
Charlotte used puppet to remove him from the animontronic to where he had to leave
Vincent: oh Charlotte was always a sweet heart
Me: still is wanna come out dear?
Charlotte: sure Mrs Kat
Vincent: but b- but s she d-* faints*
Me: oops probably should have thought that through
Charlotte: hehehe Mr Vincent always did that
William: eh I know c char-* he faints *
Me:. ...hmm I feel like I forgot to tell them about this....oh well they'll be ok
Charlotte; hehe Michael and Chris and Elizabeth here
...... honey Michael and Chris are Elizabeth doesn't live here no more she stays with Clara
Charlotte:....oh ok
Michael: I is it really u charlie
Charlotte: yep it's me who else would it be
Michael; it's good to see you charlie too long since I last saw you
Charlotte: same Mikey
Freddy: umm Michael can we talk
Michael:...sure what's up
Freddy: I've owed you an apology for the last three years you've been here I've was bringing up the idea of the bite non stop...and I didn't know that it was your brother till kat LITTLARY dragged me through a portal that showed me that very day ..and I'm sorry
Michael: i-its ok w w-ould you excuse me for a s-second
Goes in the men's room*
Michael sits on the floor and balls his eyes out* phew p phew I gotta calm down before Christopher worries to where I went
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