truthfully speaking
littlemonkeytoes 1 to Henry who have you had to get on to or chew out the most 2 also how did you react when you found out about Clara and Goldie* poof* you are a kitten for 4 asks enjoy my adorable bean . 5 To toy Freddy what was your reaction meeting Goldie? 6 To Freddy was there a time where you had to be harsh on Goldie or foxy
Henry: it's a tie between foxy and Bonnie
Henry: I I kinda took William's gun and went after her but they stopped me
Goldie* poof* meow
Freddy: OH MOTHER OF LUNA! Freddy picks up Goldie*
Toy Freddy: I was scared at first cause he was young but he was soooo! Cute!
Toy Bonnie: yeah teddy bear here kinda went overboard
Toy Freddy:* blushes* ah I did not!
Freddy: definitely foxy he plays hard with goldie sometimes
Bb what's the matter
Bb: sniff* t they p p popped my balloon
Me: who ?
Bb: those kids over there
Me:* makes him a new balloon the same color* here you go
Bb: thank you
Me: your welcome now go to your sisters ok
Bb: k
Markus: hehe aww Jeremy you look adorable * picks up his brother*
Jeremy: b but I'm not suppose to wear dresses!
Markus: then why didn't you tell the girls no
Jeremy: I tried but telling Abigail Layla and Valerie no is like breaking glass
Markus: True
Fritz: well bookworm I didn't know you dressed up
Jeremy:* blushes* leave me alone alright I did it for the babies!
Fritz: nah I was going say it suits you you Have curly black short hair and blue glasses and you can't tell weather or not you are a boy or a girl* smirk*
Markus: listen here you lil-
Me: Markus stick to your script!
Markus: fine but if he makes my baby brother cry he's had the lick
Markus: if you don't walk away I'll break your legs
Fritz:.... that wasn't your script
Me; no it wasn't
Markus:* smiles* I'm aware
Fritz; bye bookworm!
Jeremy: now has sweat pants on and a cosy t-shirt* finely comfy clothes
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