sickness pt 3
Michael; there we go Christopher Nice and easy
* He's putting Chris in the bathtub he's giving him a bath *
Noah : ok so he's fever came back how's sticking him in the tub going to help
littlemonkeytoes . To mike who is the easiest to take care of out of your siblings,to Henry Mr Emily have you seen had to take the kids away from William and clara is so what was the reason and why ,to Elizabeth aright little missy ,who do like to dress up the most ,to goldie hey cutie pie just checking in on you seeing up on you and seeing how your doing and who is your favorite, to tf who do you hate and who are you jealous of the most
Michael; definitely Christopher
Henry: yes once but will had ask me two him and Clara were fighting
Elizabeth: tch no one I don't play dress up no more
Goldie; bubba my favorite
Tf: I don't hate no one and I don't get jealous
BlueMarshmallow121 all ask and dares by her; to Goldie oh so your so so so so tall all hail the tall one just so tall t.a.l.l. ,2 to Freddy here is a Jurassic park book it's really good I just got it myself ,3 to everyone what's your favorite dinosaur,4 to mike how tall is everyone,5 to Henry* poofs in a princess dress * you have to wear this for a day , 6 to Chris; poofs plushies * have some toys ,7 to Elizabeth have a new phone ,cause yes also what's your favorite book ,8 Afton kids: fave memory least fav memory, 9 to everyone if you were locked in a room with some one for a year but they couldn't talk who would it be,10 to everyone who do you hate why do you hate them 11 to Chris how was school when you were alive ,13 to Elizabeth here atub of chocolate ice cream , 14 to everyone what's your fear it's ok if you don't want to say it , 15 to mike what year is it just curious , 16 to everyone what's everyone 1 t regret other than killing someone,17 to everyone. Best friend, why are they your best friend
Goldie; hehe yay
Freddy ; thank you blue I'll get to reading it
Everyone: all of them
Mike; uh oh my I don't know
Henry; ok this is normal
Christopher: thank you Miss
Elizabeth; yea thanks
Michael; the b bite and favorite memory Christopher first steps
Chris; bubby having to watch me die .... Favorite memory would be nightmare chasing n.freddy
Elizabeth: none
Me; that's not .... nevermind
everyone: definitely bb
Chris; actually I'd rather be with bubby
Michael; aww me too Chris
Everyone; we don't have no one
Christopher; I got picked on for my name
Fun fact Michael picked Chris name in my au*
Elizabeth; thanks for the ice cream
Everyone; uh n no thanks
Michael: it's 2021
Everyone: leaving someone behind
Michael; Noah cause we've been Best friends since kindergarten
Elizabeth; Charlotte cause we're know each since diapers
Chris: Cassidy cause she has been my friend for a long time
Clara; my ex boyfriend from highschool
William; Henry cause he's been My friend since grade school
Freddy; Pete cause we were best friends before the places split
Finn and Dottie" Finn , Dottie
The toys: said each other
Spring Bonnie and spring trap said each other*
Foxy; eye Bonnie be mine
Goldie; bubby
Back at the house
Noah; how exactly is a bath gonna help his fever Michael
Michael; the cool water will cool his body down
Noah; oh ok
Chris; luv you bubby
Michael; I love you too Christopher
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