Goldie: achwoo!
Freddy: oh don't worry Goldie it's just a cold
Goldie: I DON'T like being sick
Freddy: I know bud I know you'll be better soon it's just the tummy bug
Pete: Finn Dottie take your vitamins
Finn and Dottie: ok bub
At the Afton house
Michael: gets up*
5:12 am
Michael: since me and Chris are the only ones home I better get him ready to come with me
goes to wake Chris* hold on * feels his head* he's a tad bit warm
Michael: I better check his temperate * gets a Thermometer*
Michael: hmm oh no ( 103.4)
Michael: I'd better call uncle Henry and tell him I can't come in
Henry phone rings) hello hey Michael
Michael: hey uncle Henry hey I can't come to work for a couple of days
Henry: why
Michael: Christopher is sick and I can't leave Noah here with him cause I can't trust him to make a bag of popcorn without Burning so I sure ain't leaving him here with my sick little brother
Henry: what's Chris sick with
Michael: I think he has a cold
Henry: Goldie is sick too so you can take a few days since your mom dad and sister is out of town
Michael: ok Thanks uncle Henry
Henry: your welcome
End of call
Noah: I'm not that bad
Michael: you can't make a bag of popcorn without Burning it you really think I'm leaving you here with Chris ha no
Chris: * coughing* b bub
Michael; gets down* hey Christopher how are you feeling
Chris; SI- *coughs*
Michael: ok you just rest ok bubby staying home to take care of you
Chris; ok * coughs*
DrinkTheTea to everyone have you every drank boba or tea
Everyone but Chris and Michael
Michael; yes me and Chris has drank boba it's ok
Noah; here Michael here's some water for Chris
Michael, : thanks Noah
Michael; here Chris* helps him sip water*
Chris; lays down in bed and goes to sleep*
Michael; hehe my little brother sleep well* kisses his head*
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