Goldie pov; Freddy has got the stomach bug and I wanted to take care of him but Mike said it would be risky where we are brothers that it could spred to me but I want to make him feel better like he dose me
Mike: I know Goldie but it's too risky besides Freddy said you catch sickness to easy
Goldie: can't I just see him once
Mike: er * sighs* ok but you have to stand back from him ok
Goldie: ok
( Btw Goldie is a toddler since Bonnie messed with my magic)
Freddy: huh * giggles* I wonder how long it would of took
Goldie: fredi
Freddy: I'll be ok Goldie I don't have most of the Symptoms just a fever and a cough 😉
Goldie: k
Freddy: I'll be fine
Goldie: ok 😟
Me: hey Goldie you have a ask
Goldie: o ok
ElizabethKoeppel7: Goldie do you wear glasses
Goldie: Surprisingly no I have good eye sight 😃
Me: ok
Freddy: guys I'm going to get some sleep 😔
Goldie: okay
Goldie: nwight fredi
Freddy: night * cough* Goldie
Goldie: purring
polld1 R-e-n-n-y Masked-cat Cutie_pieUwU pengeoshipper Last_Bit_Of_Love Demonic-Red Coden99 pengeo
Freddy:* sleeping*
Goldie: sad eyes *
Me: hey Goldie have you ever rode a Dragon
Goldie: no
Few minutes later
Goldie and bendy and Boris: wee
Felix: boys pls be careful!😱
Bendy and Boris: wow pretty Dragon
Goldie: yay!
Dragon drops
Goldie screams
Freddy eyes shoots open
Freddy: Goldie! Are you ok!
Goldie: yeah I just got a little scared
Freddy: ok
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