sick cub ... sorta
Freddy: it's ok Goldie
littlemonkeytoes: to Goldie here sweetie here's some ginger ale and crackers it will help your tummy
Goldie:* sneezes* mhmmm!
Auntie nightmare: oh you poor baby
Uncle nightmare fredbear: how are you two holding up Freddy
Freddy: good uncle Fred
Nightmare: too bad my brother can't be here
Goldie: coughs* bubba
Freddy: I got ya Goldie
Mike: he still isn't feeling good is he
Freddy: not really
_-MultiFandomLover-_ to Goldie how are you? Your cute!
Goldie: I I'm n not
Freddy: you are cute too
_-MultiFandomLover-_: to freddy are you a good bro take care of Goldie kay?
_-MultiFandomLover-_ : to everyone are you in a Relationship
Freddy: I'm married to chica
Foxy: I'm with mangle she's my girlfriend
Bonnie: I'm with my girlfriend Lillian( my oc)
Chica: I'm married to freddy
Goldie: I'm dating toy chica
Toy Freddy: I I eek!
Toy Bonnie. : he's with me he's my best bud
Me: yeah right look at the last chp and you know that's why true
Toy Bonnie: w well I thought he looked cute in that dress
Me: yeah exactly my point
Toy chica: I'm dating Goldie he's just the cutest little thing
Mangle: I'm with foxy
Bb: I'm single
Jj: I'm single as well
Dd: me too
Mike: I had a girlfriend friend but I'm single now
Henry; well my wife isn't around any more but I was married for 44 years
littlemonkeytoes; to tf, I dare you to snuggle tb and tell him how you feel
Tb: hehe I'm way ahead of you besides he's asleep and he's on my chest he doesn't want to admit it but I know how he feels despite he's words besides he gets nervous easy
littlemonkeytoes: to Pete and Finn poof! Your a cat for 3 ask and 2 dares and Finn a kitten for the same
Pete : oh well
Finn: meow
Pete: it's ok Finney bubby will take care of you
Dottie: awwwwwwww!
Finn: * blushes* I don't like this meowwwwwww!
littlemonkeytoes : Michael how does it feel seeing your siblings again
Mike: * holding sleeping Chris in his lap* it's great but Elizabeth has become more bratty
Elizabeth: I have not!
All by pengeo; William how does it feel in spring trap
William: hella hot
Michael are still working on the illusion disks
Mike: well for the computer yes I am
Chica how do you feel right now
Chica: tired I've been babysitting Goldie for Freddy while he goes to the pharmacy
Le poof
Pete and finn: Finley!
Mike: Chris mom's here to pick you and Elizabeth up
Chris: I don't wanna go I wanna stay with you
Mike:* sighs* well I don't see what it can hurt
Clara \ aka Mrs Afton: that's fine dear
William: he can play with Goldie
Goldie: walks up to Chris * hewlo?
Chris: he's adorable!
See Chris is older than Goldie
Chris: I could just eat you your so cute
Goldie; I'm not cutwe!
Freddy: I'm back
Goldie: bubby!
Goldie hug attacks freddy
Freddy: did you miss me
Goldie; yeah bubby
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