questionably thoughts
Shadow freddy: Valerie baby time to get up
Valerie: ok papa
BlueMarshmallow121; shadow freddy why did you want to dismantle Freddy in the events of party pooper
( Quick note in my au There all animals but I'll add this anyway)
Shadow freddy: I went nuts shadow Bonnie had a miscarriage and we lost our baby she was depressed and I was crazy but we're better now
BlueMarshmallow121; to all shadows I dare you to t- pose and summon something
They all tposed and summoned a tiny shadow lizard
BlueMarshmallow121; to Valerie t pose small child t pose
Valerie:* tposes* otay
In the lobby
BlueMarshmallow121: to Goldie I dare you to eat Tim tams
Goldie: done eating the chocolaty Biscuit* it's sweet and tasty
BlueMarshmallow121; to everyone what is your favorite food
Freddy: jelly donuts
Goldie: I've cream brown cows ( there vanilla I've cream with harden chocolate over them)
Bonnie: carrot cake
Chica: barbecued ribs
Toy Freddy : u um I
Toy Bonnie: hehe sry he's a little embarrassed from this morning he's favorite food is peaches and mine is apples
Toy chica: mine is candied apples
Mangle: I like gummy bunnies
Foxy : aye I like crackers
Shadow freddy: I like licorice
Shadow Bonnie: I like starburst
Valerie: gummy worms
Shadow chica: cherry gummies
Shadow foxy: blueberries
Shadow Goldie: blackberries
Henry: aye I like toffee
Mike: and I like church Windows ( real quick there a hard candy called church Windows and there generally covered in powered sugar)
littlemonkeytoes: le poof Goldie your two years older than freddy for two ask and to foxy your a bunny for two ask and a dare
littlemonkeytoes; to Bonnie who's your least favorite person and Chica what's your favorite thing about Goldie, to Freddy I dare you to give foxy a new order that he has to be girly for 24 hours
Bonnie: Goldie cause he's annoying
Chica: he's cute toe beans
Freddy: foxy you have to be girly for 24 hours
Foxy; lil sis why do ye do this too me
littlemonkeytoes : cause I can
Foxy:* being dragged by the girls* helppppppppp!
Goldie:* napping* purrs
Glitchtrap\ malehare; aww he's adorable
Goldie: yawns: malewhare!
Freddy: grrrrr you woke us up
Malehare: uhh * gulp* h hi Freddy what
Goldie: can I play now * his little cute bear nub wags*
Freddy: heh ok baby go play
Goldie: yay! Thanks bubby!
Freddy: your welcome Goldie
All by R-e-n-n-y : Valerie who's your favorite parent shadow freddy or shadow Bonnie or both , 2 Henry and freddy I dare you to swap roles , 3 to chica what was the worst thing that happened while making pizza, 4 foxy have you ever wanted a parrot since your a pirate?, 5 to shadow freddy and shadow Bonnie I dare you to sing and play Guitar in front of the FNAF 1 crew , 6 malware\ glitch trap how did it feel babysitting Goldie and Finn and would you do it again .
Valerie: bowth! Mama and papa are mwy favorite!
HENRY: ok?
Freddy: ooh
Chica: when the power went out during a birthday party!for a kid in their birthday!
Foxy: arr no captain foxy need no bird for he ye travels!
Shadow freddy and shadow Bonnie:* performing*
Goldie: yay coowl!
Malehare: it was fun if not a little scary and I would only do that again if only necessary!
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