poor Jeremy
Michael; hey Chris what are you doing
Chris looking for Jeremy
Michael; oh ok I think he's with Mark his brother
Chris; ok
Fritz: well we'll well little book worm what have we here
Jeremy; f Fritz leave me alone
Fritz; why should I bookworm
Mark; cause I said too!
Fritz: what ever
Mark; Jeremy you ok
Jeremy: yeah bubby I'm ok
Mark; good I have to go now be good ok
Some where in the corner
Fritz; hehe just wait Jeremy I'll catch you by your self at the right moment
Chris; bubby why is Noah in the ceiling
Michael; he's being Noah Chris it's just what he does
Chris; ok bubby.
Michael; come here
Chris;, goes to his brother*
Michael: picks Chris up* do you know how much I love you Christopher
Chris;* nods*
Michael;* kisses his head* good
Susie; bubba will you play dress up with me please
Simon: sure Susie
Fredrick: what are you two doing
Gabriel and Cassidy: staring contest brother
Fredrick; of course you are
Charlotte; Fritz what are you doing
Fritz ; I'm playing pirates Charlotte
Charlie; ok you goof ball
Fritz: sees Jeremy* smiles* hey bookworm why are you in my room
Jeremy; f f f Fritz!! I I was just trying to get my plush back
Fritz ; heh this won't do
Fritz; grabs Jeremy hands above his head and around him to keep him in place and gently tickles Jeremy rib*
Jeremy; hehe f heh Fritz I'm sorry hehe
Fritz ; that's not going to save you nerd
He lays Jeremy down and and starts on Jeremy feet*
Jeremy; haha hehe I'm sry hehe
Fritz; ok little bookworm are we ticklish
Jeremy; you meanie hehe haha yes haha
littlemonkeytoes to Fritz: why do you tease and take Jeremy's stuff and then punish him like tickling why??, to Fritz: hey tickle monster what you doing??, to Jeremy: hey little squealer how you managed to get caught you goofball
Fritz; this is the only time I've done it and I can do it with out harming anyone and for the second question I'm teaching bookworm here not Yi enter my room with out my knowledge
Jeremy: hehehe haha I tripped haha
Fritz; I'll let you go this time but next time I won't be so Merciful
Jeremy: sighs* o ok
Michael; Chris you ready to go to the fair
Chris; yeah !!!
Mark; you ok little brother
Jeremy; no Fritz tickled me
Mark: meh don't pay attention to him Jeremy ok
Jeremy; ok bubby
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