how Michael and Chris reunited
Michael pov: well now that I'm dead and still have my organs I'm going to work for uncle Henry that shouldn't be too hard dad said it would be good for me I hope he's right.... I miss Christopher and Elizabeth...
Henry: how are you today Chris
Chris : I'm good uncle Henry I just miss bubby
Cassidy : didn't he kill u
Chris : he didn't mean it ,it was a accident a prank gone wrong he didn't want to hurt me
Jeremy: I dunno Chris
Susie: would you guys leave it be he misses his brother
Fritz: I believe the lad is fine
Gabriel: huh
Chris: I miss my bubby Michael I really would like to see him again I forgive him I just want to see him again is it too much to ask * cries*
Henry: oh Chris it will be ok
Michael:* getting ready for work*
Noah: y yes Mr Afton
Few minutes later*
Michael: I'm ready
William: omg * tearing up* my baby boy is grown
Michael: daddd pls stop
Noah: y yeah you look great
WILL glared at noah*
Noah.....ok I'll stop talking now
Michael: I gotta go dad bye bye Noah
Michael: oh and dad don't kill my best friend while I'm gone
William: wouldn't dream of it Mikey
Michael:* gets to the pizzeria* hey uncle Henry
Henry: Michael your here well let me show you around to your office ok
Michael: ok uncle Henry
Henry: okey dokey here ya are
Michael: no offense uncle Henry but that sounds cheesy coming from you
Henry: I know Charlie told me the same thing so no offense taken ok I'll be outside ok
Michael: ok
chris: huh dad ...* !!!!!!!!!!*
Chris: t that's not my dad Cassidy
Cassidy; it looks like em
Chris; that's my bubby
Chris; Chris runs to the office*
Michael; shoot shoot shoot foxy is coming
Chris; mikey
Michael; " stops* c Christopher * runs in the hall*
Chris; BUBBY
Michael; Chris;* he falls to his knees *
Chris; * hugs Michael" bubby I missed you
Michael;# crying* c Christopher I I'm s so s sorry I I never m meant t to h hurt you I j just wanted to do a p prank
Chris; it's ok bubby I forgive you
Michael; I I t thought I'd never see you again
Chris; me too bubby
Chris; bubby I have a question
Michael; hehe ok ask away
Chris; do you have a girlfriend
All the kids look at him with big saucer eyes *
Michael; no Christopher I don't
Chris; how my bubby is so handsome there's no way you don't have a girlfriend
Michael; they don't want nothing to do with me Chris after what happened with you they don't want nothing to do with me
Chris; hmmp people can be so mean
Michael; I'm not alone Christopher I have dad and Noah
Chris; dad ..
Michael; my Best friend from school
Chris; oh ..* grr* isn't he the one who made you uncomfortable bubby
Michael; eh yeah but he's gotten better
6;00 rings
Michael; let's go home ok
Chris; ok bubby
They got home
Noah: Michael your home.., and you f found your brother
Michael; yeah
Noah: good to know eggs
Chris; Noah you taller
Noah ; yeah I got taller
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