Goldie: YAY!!!
Me: woah there Goldie calm down cutie
Goldie: bubba making ice cream
Me: that's sweet Goldie
Goldie: : 3 :3
Goldie: ..what's that?
Me: hehe it's a daffodil
Goldie: it smells yummy!!!
Me: ah ah ah no eating you might get a tummy ace there for smelling and planting not eating
Goldie; aww ok * tummy growls*
Me: hehe I'm guessing your hungry well I made you a salmon filet
Goldie: yay!!!!
Goldie: eating* tank you
Me: your welcome Goldie
Gregory: mommy daddy I have a question
Vincent: yes Gregory
Vanny: what is it honey
Gregory: is this you * holds up a photo of two kids*
Vincent: no honey that's actually your uncle William and... your aunt Clara they divorced there no longer together
Gregory: oh ...ok ...
Gregory: daddy how come he has blonde hair here
Vincent: giggling* cause he was going through a phase at the time
Gregory: oh ...ok
Vincent:* picks Gregory and sets him on his lap* Gregory there's BABY pictures I can show you if me and your uncle William
Gregory: yay
Vincent: oh will it won't be that bad
Besides what do we have to hide
William: I don't like those pictures
Gregory: wow you and uncle will skateboarded!!
Vincent: that we did it was so much fun
William: for me it was not so much you Vincent
Vincent: lil brother I'm advicing you don't bring that up
William: heh karma sucks don't it
Vincent: anyway and this was your uncle at graduation
Gregory: what about you
Vincent: I dropped out of school Gregory
Gregory: why
Vincent: work n school was too much together
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