Question 2)
Question from:
Italic1311 ~
Do you know about your fangirls? If so, how do you feel about them? And is it true that troll horns are sensitive?
Gamzee: WeLl FoR tHe HoRnS...i GuEsS yOu CoUlD sAy ThAt SiNcE tHe OtHeR's GeT tOuChY wHeN iT cOmEs To ThE hOrNs ESpEcIalLy KaRkAt...AnD tHe F-
~bangs on the door~
Gamzee: Oh ShIt RuN tHeY'rE cOmInG!! *pushes tavros' wheelchair jumping on it* hIdE mOtHeRfUcKeRs HiDe!!!
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