Question 12)
Question from Italic1311:
It's awesome! Karkat, have you actually watched an anime called Ouran high school host club? You would like it. As for Gamz... Hmm... I feel you would be more around Abridged series, like Hellsing
Oh and has watching anything like a movie or something triggered sober Gamzee (Jegus I sound like Kankri)
Karkat: I'll watch it then *sits down* I still can't understand human's shows called "anime"
~few moments later~
Gamzee: YuP kArKaT iSnT gOiNg To LeAvE tHe CoMpUtEr FoR a WhIlE aNd No I hAvEnT bEeN tRiGgErEd EvEr SiNcE kAnAyA dEcIdEd To ChEcK mOvIeS bEfOrE lEtTiNg AnYoNe ViEw ThEm *smiles*
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