100 Truths... AGAIN!
Sound: "This is sooooo good! Can you and Bonnie play the 100 truths challenge?"
Kap: Again?!
Bonnie: yay I get to do it!
Kap: yea, but you dared me last time, remember?
Bonnie: yea... I haven't read it yet
Kap: and you don't have to.
Bonnie: ok let's start
Chica: *peeks out the corner* Can I read you guys the questions?
Kap: yea, we can use the questions I used for the last 100 truths I did.
Chica: ok first question! Your name
Bonnie: well it's Bonnie, obviously!
Chica: Kap?
Kap: *looks away* Its my name...
Chica: ookie! 2.Nickname
Kap: It's a Kap
Bonnie: Bon
Chica: 3. Fav color
Kap: Purple!
Bonnie: Same!
Kap: is it cuz you wear and you are purple?
Bonnie: ... yes...
Chica:Lol! Ok, 4. Male or female
Kap: Female
Bonnie: Male!
Chica: 5. Elementary?
Kap: CES
Bonnie: never went to school
Chica: 6. Middle school
Kap: CMS
Bonnie: again, never went to school
Chica: 7.High school
Kap: CHS but now PHS
Bonnie: yup
Chica: 8. College
Kap: Still in high school
Bonnie: wut?
Chica: Hair
Kap: Medium length... black...
Bonnie: hair reaches down to my nape and it's purple!
Chica:10. Tall or short
Kap: *stands in front of Bonnie* hmmm... Short!
Bonnie: Tall?
Chica:11. Sweats or jeans:
Kap: both :3
Bonnie: Jeans... never wore sweatpants...
Chica: 12.Phone or camera:
Kap: both
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 13. Health (neat) freak?
Kap: pfft, I can be sometimes
Bonnie: eh...
Chica: 14. Orange or Apple
Kap: Apple
Bonnie: Apples
Chica: 15. Do I have a crush *wiggles eyebrows*
Kap: *blushes and quickly glances at Bonnie* Y-yea
Bonnie: Yep!
Chica: 16. Guy friends or lady friends:
Kap: Both, they should understand my craziness
Bonnie: Same
Chica: 17. Piercings
Kap: *points to her ears* only on me ears!
Bonnie: nope
Chica: 18. Pepsi or coke:
Kap: Mostly Pepsi unless there's cherry coke or wild cherry Pepsi
Bonnie: Both
Chica: 19. Been in a plane:
Kap: Yesh :3
Bonnie: no
Chica: 20. Been in a relationship:
Kap: Eh
Bonnie: no...
Chica: 21(lol). Been in a car accident:
Kap: not that I know of...
Bonnie: nope
Chica: 22. Been in a fist fight? *eyes Bonnie*
Kap: Nope
Bonnie: *looks away* next question...
Chica: 23. Best friend
Kap: Many, not naming anyone
Bonnie: Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Kap, Goldie... some others?
Chica: 24. First award:
Kap: Won second place in a "cutest baby" contest
Bonnie: no awards...
Chica: 25. First crush:
Kap: I... Really don't know
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 26: First word
Kap: I don't know
Bonnie: Me neither
Chica: 27: Talents:
Kap: people say I dance well, I can play a flute too.
Bonnie: I can play a guitar!
Chica: 28. Last person you talked to:
Kap: Chica
Bonnie: Kap
Chica: 29. Last person I texted:
Kap: ShindaSenpai on Geeking!
Bonnie: no one
Chica: 30. Last person you watched a movie with
Kap: hmmm... Freddy
Bonnie: Kap
Chica: 31: last thing you ate
Kap: well in real life I has a chicken wrap..
Chica: wut?
Bonnie: I had pizza!
Chica: 32. Last movie I watched
Kap: I don't know... let's just say Zootopia, cuz it has my favorite ship!
Bonnie: and what's that?
Kap: Nick x Judy :3
Chica: lol, are they animals?
Kap: *nods*
Chica: what animals?
Kap: *looks at Bonnie* uh next question!
Chica: 33. Last song you listened to.
Kap: Nightstep- Earthquake
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 34. Last thing you bought
Kap: juice
Bonnie: I'm broke...
Chica: 35. Last person I hugged
Bonnie: *hugs Kap* Kap
Kap: *blushes* B-Bonnie
Chica: 36. Favorite food-
Kap: To many to choose from
Bonnie: Pancakes!!!
Chica: 37. Favorite drink:
Kap: Cherry coke, and/or Wild cherry Pepsi and water
Bonnie: Fanta!
Chica: 38. Favorite bottom wear:
Kap: Pants?
Bonnie: Socks
Kap: •-•
Chica: 39. Favorite flower:
Kap: Purple roses
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 40. Favorite animal:
Kap:Bunnies, Dolphins, Meerkats, Foxes
Bonnie: Bunnies...
Chica: 41. Favorite color:
Kap: I said it was purple...
Bonnie: *nods*
Chica: 42. Favorite movie:
Kap: I like lots of movies
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 43. Favorite subject:
Kap: Band!
Bonnie: Sure?
Have you ever
Chica: 44. Fallen in love:
Kap: I think so...
Bonnie: Maybe
Chica:45. Celebrate Halloween:
Kap: oh course, I love dem candies :3
Bonnie: yup
Chica: 46. Broken a heart:
Kap: No?
Bonnie: I don't think so
Chica: 47.went over my text in my phone:
Kap: yes
Bonnie: Do I even have a phone?
Chica: 48. Know somebody that 'likes' me:
Kap: *laughs*
Bonnie: Maybe?
Kap: Who would like me! As a friend yes but more than that, no
Chica: 49. Hated how somebody changed:
Kap: yes
Bonnie: Yup
Chica:50. Had Pm?
Kap: the hell is that?
Bonnie: wut?
Chica: 51. Had an abortion:
Kap: no
Bonnie: what?
Chica: 52. Did something you regret:
Kap: many times.
Bonnie: sadly
Chica: 53. Broken a promise:
Kap:I think so?
Bonnie: maybe...
Chica: 54. hidden a secret:
Kap: yep
Bonnie: yea
Chica: 55. Pretended to be happy:
Kap: *nods sadly*
Bonnie: yea...
Chica: 56. Met somebody who changed my life:
Kap: yup
Bonnie: *nods*
Chica: 57. Pretended to be sick:
Kap: yes, but it didn't work
Bonnie: yup and it didn't work either
Chica: 58: left the country:
Kap: yup
Bonnie: nope
Chica: 59: Tried something you wouldn't usually do but ended up liking it:
Kap: reading
Bonnie: not killing a security guard!
Chica: 60. Cried over something small :
Kap: 😅 guilty
Bonnie: Yea
Chica: 61. Ran a mile:
Kap: yes because it was a grade in PE.
Bonnie: nope
Chica: 62. Gone to da beach with a friend:
Kap: I think so?
Bonnie: Nope... I think
Chica: 63. Gotten into a fight with a friend:
Kap: yes...
Bonnie: yup...
Chica: 64. Disliked somebody
Kap: huehue Yesh I have :3
Bonnie: yes
Chica:65. Has always been single or are single now
Kap: single now
Bonnie: always been single
Kap: I know the pain...
Chica: 66. Eating:
Kap: nothing
Bonnie: nope
Chica: 67. Drinking:
Kap: nothing
Bonnie: nothing
Chica:68. Listening:
Kap: Nightcore- The boy who murdered love
Bonnie: same
Chica: 69. Sitting or laying:
Kap: Sitting
Bonnie: Standing
Chica: 70. Plans for today:
Kap: In real life I'm just going home and playing assassins creed and finish my Drivers ed -_-
Bonnie: not that I know of...
Chica:71. Waiting for:
Kap: something...
Bonnie: Pancakes?
Chica: 72. Want kids:
Kap: yea
Bonnie: Kids sound nice
Chica: 73. Want to get married:
Kap: ... no
Bonnie: with someone I love yes
Chica: 74. Want to travel:
Kap: yes
Bonnie: yea
Chica: 75. Lips or eyes:
Kap: I don't know
Bonnie: ???
Chica: 76. Shorter or taller:
Kap: taller
Bonnie: Shorter
Chica: 77. Younger or older:
Kap: older...
Bonnie: younger
Chica: 78. Romantic or spontaneous:
Kap: I dunno both?
Bonnie: both?
Chica: 79. Trouble maker or hesitant:
Kap: I don't know... I think hesitant?
Bonnie: both...
Chica:80. hook up or relationship:
Kap: I would like a relationship
Bonnie: same with me
Chica: 81. Looks or personality:
Bonnie: Yes
Have you ever
Chica: 82. Lost your glasses:
Kap: I think so, I don't wear glasses anymore.
Bonnie: yes...
Kap: you wear glasses?
Bonnie: well...
Chica: I got him fake glasses cuz it looked cute on him
Kap: ah cool!
Chica: 83. Snuck out of the house:
Kap: yes but stayed around it
Bonnie: nope
Chica84. Held a knife in self defense:
Kap: yes, my friend was trying to mess up my ramen so I always pointed my knife towards him, every time he was around till I was done eating.
Bonnie: no
Chica: 85. Killed someone:
Kap: In video games
Bonnie: yes
Chica: 86: broken somebody's heart
Kap: not that I know of
Bonnie: no
Chica: 87: been in love:
Kap: *shrugs*
Bonnie: Did we have this question?
Chica: 88. Broken a bone:
Kap: yes I bent my nose and I had to have surgery on it
Bonnie: I think
Chica: 89. Cried when somebody died:
Kap: yes...
Bonnie: ... *nods hesitantly*
Do you believe in
Chica: 90. Yourself:
Kap: depends
Bonnie: sometimes
Chica: 91. Miracles:
Kap: Yes
Bonnie: yup
Chica:92. Love at first sight:
Kap: yep!
Bonnie: yea
Chica: 93. Heaven or hell:
Bonnie: *shrugs* yes?
Chica 94. Santa:
Kap: HELL YES!!!
Bonnie: yea,
Chica:95. Aliens:
Kap: yes
Bonnie: Aliens?
Chica: 96. Ghost or Angles
Kap: let's just say I believe many things.
Bonnie: yes
Chica: 97. God:
Kap: yes
Bonnie: *shrugs*
Chica: 98. Is there someone who you wish were with you right now:
Kap: I real life yes, the fnaf crew with my other friends
Bonnie: not that I know of
Chica: 99. Do you know who your real friend are:
Kap: Yes?
Bonnie: yea!
Chica: 100. Will you post this as 100 truths
Kap: Sure!
Bonnie: yea!
Kap: Yea! 100 truths!
Bonnie: again!
Chica: that's it?
Kap: yea!
Bonnie: Baiiii
Kap&Chica: Baiiii
Don't forget to dare!
Ebany22 I will do your dare! Somewhere near Thanksgiving!
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