Slongy: Guys we finally have dares
Shard: How many?
Slongy: About two
Bolt: Well read them
Slongy: Ok so the first one is from @Maybe131 and its said that Bolt have to be sucked in one of his favourite video games and the others cant get him out unless he decides too himself
Bolt: Finally my dream have come true *goes into minecraft* THIS IS F*CKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
*8 hours later*
Rainer: Come on Bolt we have another dare to do
Bolt: Fine let me just finish this Boss battle *defeated the enderdragon and jump in the portal* Ok im back *see that everyone is asleep except Rainer* Um have been playing that long
Rainer: Yes you f*cking did now how are we gonna wait them up?
Bolt: Give me a second *goes get a airhorn*
Rainer: Uh oh *cover her ear*
Everyone except Rainer: AHHHHHHHHH *jump up through a roof and faceplant on the floor*
Bolt: LOL!!!!!
Rainer: Um Bolt you might want to run
Bolt: What?
Everyone except Rainer: *got a weapon* GET THE F*CK OVER HERE BOLT
Bolt: Ah sh*t AHHHHHHHH *runs away*
*An hour later*
Bolt: Owwww!!!!!!
Slongy: Now can we get back to the dares now
Everyone: Yes!!!
Slongy: Alright the next dare is from @pokemonlov3r2 and we have to play spin the bottle, since this isnt specific we gonna have is like this whoever have the bottle land on them will kiss the person that also got pick.
Nancly: Alright lets set up
*20 minutes later*
Nancly: Alright everyone sit in a circle
*Everyone sit in a circle*
Blast: Ok i will spin it *spin the bottle*
*its land on Nancly and Star*
Star: Oh come on
Nancly: Now this just got a lot more awkward
Star: Let just get this over with *kiss Nancly*
Nancly: *kiss Star*
Both: *Look at him with fury eyes*
Slongy: Ah crap
Bolt: That what you get for saying that
Ruby: Ok next *spin the bottle*
*land on Blast and Rainer*
Blast: Welp atleast this not that bad
Rainer: Yea consider we are brother and sister
Blast: Let just do this *kiss Rainer on the cheek*
Rainer: *kiss Blast on the cheek aswell*
Dandelion: Ok last one *spin the bottle*
*land on Bolt and Night*
Bolt: *hit face first on the table* Son of a B*tch
Night: Seriously i got beating up by him now i got to kiss him
Bolt: Let just end this and finish this damn dare *kiss Night*
Night: *kiss Bolt*
Night: Your breath smell like garbodor
Bolt: *summon a thunder sword* What the f*ck did you just say!!!!
Night: Ah crap well fuck this shit im out *run away*
Bolt: GET BACK HERE *chase him*
Shard: Well this is Shard signing out and Bolt calm down *chase after them*
Everyone: Well goodbye and hope Bolt can calm down next chapter *Goes after them aswell*
Nancly: Oh and also leaves the ask and dares in comments down below and also the creator said if did get a lot dares or ask he will do this everyday so goodbye *run after them*
Nancly stop metioning me in the book for arceus sake
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