The siblings return back to home
Rainer: Do you guys think they are okay?
Blast: Well it is pretty quiet right now
Bolt: Well we dont know for sure until we open this door
Rainer: Alrighty then
Rainer open the door and to their surprise....everyone was normal
Everyone noticed the siblings
The room was silence
Lightning: walk up to them H-hey Bolt
Rainer and Blast decided to leaves leaving the brothers to talk
Lightning: Look i'm sorry for not coming to rescue in time, leaving you and our siblings alone, blaming you when you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry about everything
Bolt: hug him It's okay, all of them are in the past now
Lightning: hug him back
Rainer and Blast joined the hug aswell
The others said their sorry aswell
And now with Bolt and Shard
They both were silence for a bit until Bolt spoke up
Bolt: Its alright if you are uncomfortable saying it -
Shard hug him tightly and crying on his chest
Bolt: hugs back Now now don't cry lift her head up I forgive you
Shard: I dont deserve your forgiveness after everything, you don't deserve someone as crazy as m-
Bolt: kisses her Don't say that, i dont care if you are crazy or not, i love just the way you are
Shard: T-thank you Bolt
Nancly: Um i dont want to disturb your loving life but we have a dare to do
Bolt: Oh yeah right hehehe
Me: Ok the dare is from ultramaxigalaxi that we were supposed to do for the last couple of weeks and he dare us to react to Je Sais Pas Danser by Natoo and Kill this love by BlackPink
Bergon: Ok start the video then
Bolt: 😐
Night: I am weirded out by this
Blast: Great
Rainer: Quite odd
Ember: Amazing
Lightning: Slick
Ruby: Interesting i supposed
Dandelion: Very nice
Shard: Umm good?
Star: Hate the dance, love the song
Sylvar: Cool
Bergon: Love it
Sunlight: Neat
May: Meh
Slongy: Kinda weird in a good way i think?
Nancly: No i didnt like it
Elwigo: Honestly its suck
Me: It was okay
Consess: the next video
Bolt: I admit, this was a good song
Lightning: Very unique
Slongy: Awesome
Night: Nicely done
Blast: Fantastic
Elwigo: This is so good i can't stop watching it
Shade: Sweet
Me: Pretty cool
Consess: Much better then i expected
Sylvar: Thumps up
All of the girls: fangirling really crazy
Night: Anyways leave the ask and dares in the comments down below until next time
Everyone: Bye bye!!!!!
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