Purple intruders?
XxXMabelPinesXxX: I dare the minions to paint themselves purple and scare Gru!
Tiger: *hides this from Gru* MUAHAHA
Gru: was someone doing an evil laugh?
Tiger: no no no no one was ^-^
Gru: okkkkkkkkkk
Tiger: .....MUAHAHAHA!.....
Jerry: Banana?
Tiger: change of plans Jerry call in Tim Bart and Kevin
Jerry: bim! Kart! Tevik!
Tiger: No Tim Bart and oh never mind!
*several gallons of paint later*
Tiger: hmmmm you guys look more like deformed grapes then the purple minions...
Jerry: Betaaa!
Tiger: fine fine you guys look great.
*Jerry, Bart, Tim, and Kevin creep up on Gru*
Gru: ok Edeth you need to stop throwing Kyle at the minions!
Edeth: But Stuart ate MY banana PANCACKES!
Gru: Kyle is this true?
Bart: *comes up elevator thingy* Bleeehhhhhh
Kevin: *jumps from behind couch* Blehhhhh
Bart: *crawls on Grus back* Bleeggggghhhhhh
Kevin: Mua mua mua
Everyone: KEVIN!!!
Kevin: Ok ok Blehgggggfgf
Gru: Ha you guys don't fool me for a second you are all fake! We cured every last purple minion!
Real purple minion: *falls from ceiling* GAHHHHHG!!!
Tiger: Oh great! A real life purple minion. Great... Thanks Mabel Pines!
Mabel pines: Meh *eats popcorn* :3
Everyone: *runs around screaminf*
Doctor Nefario: Stand back! Stand back! *shoots fart gun and injects cure* wait a minute. PHEW WEE! *faints*
Purple minion: *gets up and launches itself at the screen* GAAAAAAAAH
Everyone: AHHHHHHHH!
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