Dare Thirty Eight: Text Names
Slash: Great, all of my contacts have different names. Oh well.
Hey so someone renamed my contacts so I'm going to guess who you all are.
*texts that to everyone*
HilariouSLY: Hello.
Slash: Let me guess. Sly?
HilariouSLY: How?
Slash: "HilariouSLY"
HilariousSLY: Stahup with the pun!
Slash: Whoever did this says you're welcome.
HilariouSLY: ........
Howl: Hey.
Slash: Snowy?
Howl: *Howls* You can be so stupid sometimes.
Slash: .......
Magic: Hi.
Slash: Huh.
Magic: What?
Slash: "Magic"
Magic: I like it.
Slash: .........
Sexy: Hello.
Slash: Hello "Sexy"
Sexy: You're disgusting!
Slash: .......
Prankster: Hello.
Slash: Hello, "Prankster"
Prankster: I like that.
Slash: Really.
Pizza: Hello....
Slash: Are you Chica?
Pizza: How dare you?! I'll use your blood for my pizza!
Slash: I'm not a human.
Pizza: .......
B*tch: Who am I?
Slash: Who are you, "B*tch"
B*tch: What?! I'll kill you!!
foxy: Hello.
Slash: Hey there, "foxy"
foxy: I am foxy.
Slash: Really? You're Foxy?
foxy: What no!
Slangs: Hello.
Slash: Mari.
Slangs: How?
Slash: "Slangs"
Slangs: I do ship Slangs...
Slash: .......
WiredLove: Hello.
Slash: Mangle.
WiredLove: You got me.
Flirty: Hello
Slash: Hello, "Flirty"
Flirty: WHAT THE..
Slash: No cursing!
LOL: Hi! Hahahahahahahahahahha!
Slash: *facepalm*
Leader: Who am I?
Slash: "Leader"
Leader: I am your leader.
Slash: No I'm your leader! Shut up!
Leader: ....
Top Hat: Hi.
Slash: Fred?
Top Hat: .....
Nightmare: Hello
Slash: Boss?
Nightmare: Yep!
Adorable: Hi.
Slash: Ash? Cass? Cress? Bon Bon?
Adorable: I'm not a girl!
Rick: Hey.
Slash: Rick?
Rick: Close.
Bunny: Hi!
Slash: Bonnie? Bon Bon?
Bunny: I'm not saying :)
Fangslovesthis: Hi.
Slash: Gold.
Fangslovesthis: How?!
Slash: "Fangslovesthis"
Fangslovesthis: Oh yes, she does love me because I'm handsome and..
Slash: Shut up!
FangsxFoxy: Ahoy matey.
Slash: Foxy.
FangsxFoxy: *drops pirate accent* How?!-Oh crap.
Slash: XD
Sharp: Hey
Slash: Who are you?
Sharp: Guess or I'll stab you with my hook.
NBLove: Hi!
Slash: Layla or NC?
NBLove: Wait...WHAT?
Slash: NC has a crush on NB and Layla as well.
NBLove: That ugly ducking of a nightmare...
Slash: Ooookay?
Guard: Hi
Slash: You're the only "guard" so you have to be Axel.
Guard: ........
Shadows: Hi.
Slash: Shadow.
Shadows: .....
Fox: Hello.
Slash: Foxcina.
Fox: Dang it!
WolfPack: Hi.
Slash: Luna?
WolfPack: No way!
Ugly: Hi!
Slash: Who are you, "Ugly"?
Ugly: I'm not an ugly duckling!
Dat Bass: Hi.
Slash: Snap?
Dat Bass: I'm not Snap!
Partay: Hi.
Slash: Snap?
Partay: No!
Ice Cream: Hi.
Slash: Claws.
Ice Cream: Want some?
Slash: Yes please!
Rock: Hi. I'm Cass.
Slash: That was easy.
Awesome: Hi!
Slash: You're "Awesome"
Awesome: Duh.
HilariouSLY: Sly
Howl: Luna
Magic: Snowy
Sexy: Jianna
Prankster: NB
Pizza: NC
B*tch: Lash
foxy: Fangs
Slangs: Mari
WiredLove: Mangle
Flirty: TC
Leader: Freddy
Top Hat: Fred
Nightmare: Boss
Adorable: Plush
Rick: Fredrick
Bunny: Spring
Fangslovesthis: Gold
FangsxFoxy: Foxy
Sharp: NF
NBLove: Layla
Guard: Axel
Shadows: Shadow
Fox: Foxcina
WolfPack: Cress
Ugly: Chica
Dat Bass: Bonnie
Partay: Ash
Ice Cream: Claws
Rock: Cass
Awesome: Snap
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