Dare: She dares all the original animatronics to visit Fnaf6(Basically the broken sister location animatronics)
And on a related note, Circus Baby will be addd to this along with another new character in the next part!
Freddy: Alright guys, lets go then.
Chica: broken animatronics? That sounds kinda creepy..
Foxy: Lass we ALL are creepy
Bonnie: I have my face baaaack!
Foxy: except him, he was scarier without his face...
Bonnie: SHUT UP!
Freddy: ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! We're about to go inside dang it
All 3: Sorry...
(I think this is what they look like, forgive me if these are the wrong ones they were the only ones I could find)
(Credits to the makers)
Freddy:*opens the door and sees them all* what the fùck am I looking at? O-O
Bonnie: move over! I wanna see too!
Freddy: if you insist...
Bonnie: *peeks in* holy nightmares...
Scrap Baby: Is someone there..?
Bonnie:*moves away from the door*
Foxy: *peeks in* oh my gosh what could've happened to them to look like...that
Scrap Ballora: someone is definitely here..
Foxy:*moves back* what're we gonna do if they find us?
Freddy: probably either fight or run..
Chica: move overrrr! I haven't seen yet!
They move out of the way
Chica: oh my gosh..they're so creepyyyy!
Scrap F.Freddy: Is it a birthday boyyy~?
Scrap Baby: of course it isn't you idiot!
Scrap F.Foxy: I can't detect any moment...
Scrap Baby: Ballora go look for them, Funtime Foxy you too..
Foxy: Funtime foxy?
Chica: yeah the one with features like you I'm sure..
Foxy:*looks around a bit* oh she looks pretty cool..
Freddy: they all look cool, but they also look like fellow killing machines...
Bonnie: true...hey wait does that bear have a puppet of me or toy me?
Chica:hmm...looks like it..
Scrap Bon-Bon: Nope! Nobody is here! Lets go back to sleep!
Scrap F.Freddy: I don't want to, I'm going to keep looking whether you like it or not..
Scrap Bon-Bon: bìtch I said go back to sleep..
Scrap F.Freddy:*takes Bon-Bon off and sets them down*
Scrap Bon-Bon: Hey!
Scrap F.Freddy:*walks away*
Scrap Ballora: shut it! I won't be able to hear them if you keep blabbing!
Scrap F.Foxy: *ear twitches and walks to where the originals are*
Originals: oh shìt
Scrap F.Foxy: oh Ballora~ come on over here I found them..
Scrap Ballora: oh, hello there..
Originals: are you gonna hurt us?
Scrap F.Foxy: hah! No, you're all fellow animatronics..*sniffs air* right?
Originals: *nod*
Freddy: that's correct
Scrap Baby:*skates up with F.Freddy and Bon-Bon behind her* who's here?
Scrap Ballora: the original animatronics I believe..
Chica: *nods* yep..
Foxy:*looks at the clock behind everyone* guys we should really go..
Originals:*looks at the clock as well* oh..
Scrap Baby: well, we'll see you guys another time I guess..?
Originals: sure, *start walking off*
Mike: you guys back so soon? We were enjoying the quiet..
Freddy: shut it security..
Mike: Alright *shuts the doors to th office*
Freddy: smart ašs
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