Date number 2!
Fantasy: Ok so what kind of date should we send them on?
Mike: hm..Bowling?
Mike: hm..
Fantasy: hm..
Both: Ice cream place! Yeah! *high five each other*
~after they figured out what ice cream place~
Fantasy: hiiii friend!
Date subject #1: *jumps slightly* what is it?
Fantasy: Welll Mike and I decided we're going to send you and a surprise person on a date!
Date subject # 1: wha..?
Fantasy: ...Just come with me *pulls them to the staff bathroom*
Mike: hey guess what?
Date subject # 2: what is it Night Guard? I'm a little bit busy right now..
Mike: too busy to go on a date?
Date subject # 2: ok dude first of all you aren't my type, second aren't you with the other Guard? Uhhh..Fantasy! Yeah aren't you with Fantasy?
Mike: yes I'm with Fantasy, I didn't mean a date with ME! I meant with a mystery person
Date subject # 2: oh thank goodness..and yeah I guess I have time..
Mike: cool! And don't worry about work, a health inspector is coming today so this trash pit is closing soon
Date subject # 2: I certainly hope they cleaned up the kitchen at least a little bit then...
Mike: yeah...anyways let's go! *pulls them to staff bathroom*
~back with the other group~
Fantasy: here ya go *hands the other person a black, casual dress that has spaghetti straps and an open back. Along with some black flats and a little ruby necklace*
Date subject # 1: thanks *puts it on*
Fantasy: no problem~
~with the 2nd group~
Mike: come on! Put it on!
Date subject # 2: NO! I never take these clothes off!
Mike: you're going on a date! Don't you think you should change it up a bit?
Date subject # 2: well..
Mike:*tackles them while they're off guard(haha) and forces them to change*
Date subject # 2: you jerk!
Mike: hey you look nice so shut up
~Date subject # 2 is now wearing a blue T-Shirt with a small bunny on it and black shorts~
Date subject # 2: yeah whatever..
Mike:*drops Date subject # 2 off at the ice cream place*
Mike:*calls Fantasy* Alright bunny boy has reached the destination
Fantasy over the phone: Nice, I'm taking demon girl there right now
Mike: good *hangs up*
~Back with group one~
Fantasy: *drops Date subject # 1 off* bye bye!
Date subject # 1: ...*looks around and spots Date subject # 2* ...OH they didn't!
Date subject # 2: Oh boy...
Both date subjects:*walk to each other*
Jerid: hi..
Human TB: hey
Jerid: think they hid cameras everywhere to?
Human TB: *laughs* maybe
Jerid: oh jeez
Human TB: so you want to get some ice cream..?
Jerid: yeah that'd be nice *smiles*
Human TB: alright then let's go *smiles back*
Both:*walk up and order some ice cream ice*
Fantasy in a disguise: excuse me, I'd like to pay for that couple over there *points to where Human TB and Jerid are sitting*
Worker: alright
Fantasy:*pays for their ice cream*
(I don't know about you guys but I've been to some places where you order ice cream and then once it's done you get called up to get it and pay)
Fantasy: ok bye now~! *runs back to her hiding spot*
Mike: so did they let you pay for them?
Fantasy: yep *changes out of the disguise*
~Jerid and Toy Bonnie had a nice conversation and then their ice cream came~
Jerid: Hey what kind is that?
Human TB: Blueberry
Jerid: can I try it?
Human TB: yeah sure *mindlessly feeds her some*
Jerid: ..! *realizes what just happened*
Human TB: *blushes as he realizes as well* S-Sorry I wasn't thinking
Jerid: I-It's fine!
~They then had another great conversation~
Jerid: So how was your day?
Human TB: Same as always, got grabbed by sticky kids, helped make pizza, sang happy birthday with everyone..
Jerid: oh that stinks
Human TB: yeah..but it's ok because I'm the end I got to go out with you! *smiles*
Jerid:*blushes faintly and smiles back*
Human TB: so was your day?
Jerid: I had to put up some decorations, get a kid out of the ball pit because they got stuck, and escort a kid and their mom out
Human TB: why'd you have to escort them out?
Jerid: the kid broke rules 6 and 7
Human TB: who'd they hit?
Jerid: They hit Freddy
Human TB: so three broke both the rules at the same time!
Jerid: *nods* then Phone Guy has to ban them for a year
Human TB: wow..
Jerid: yeah..
~They both left after finding out that their ice cream had been paid for and went to Jerid's house to watch a movie~
Human TB:*cuddling Jerid*
Jerid:*eating popcorn and occasionally feeding Human TB some*
~after the movie was over*
Jerid:*fell asleep*
Human TB:*snuggles her and falls asleep as well*
~The next Day~
Fantasy: so how was the date~?
Jerid: it was really nice *smiles*
Fantasy: good!
Mike: so how'd it go?
Human TB: it was great *smiles*
Mike: Great! *pats his shoulder*
A/N: so the reason this isn't split into 2 chapters is because I didn't know if one chapter would be better so yeah :P
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