The movies
EJ to have movie night with Lazari ONLY
E.J: but! But! What movie should I even watch with her?!
Queen of Roses: how about a horror or a romance movie?
E.J: I like the sound of the first option...
Q.O.R: Then watch that!
E.J: but wich one? You know what there's too many questions involved in this! I'm not doing it!
Q.O.R: if you don't do it, you live through becoming a creepypasta again...
E.J: I don't feel like doing that again...
Q.O.R: then watch the gosh dang movie!!
E.J: fine..
Q.O.R: good now here's a movie...*hands him a random scary movie*
E.J: *takes the movie and calls Lazari* Hey Lazari! Wanna watch a movie?
Lazari: sure one sec!
E.J: of course you accepted you little punk..*chuckles softly*
Q.O.R:*slaps E.J quickly before running away*
Lazari: so what are we watching? *just got down the stairs*
E.J:*shows her the movie*
Lazari: Cool!*slightly nervous*
E.J:*puts it on and sits on the couch* c'mon...*pats a spot next to him*
Lazari: o-ok..*sits next to him*
~around an hour into the two hour movie~
E.J: *glances at Lazari*
Lazari:*trying not to fall asleep*
E.J:*gets up and grabs a blanket then tosses it over her* there you go...*pats her head then sits back down*
Lazari:*starts falling asleep*
E.J: peaceful...*falls asleep slowly, keeps a bit of distance from Lazari, but is still close*
Q.O.R & M.J: *high five* I ship it~!
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