Sponge tiiiiime
I dare everyone to wear sponges around their whole body for the whole day. Penalty be no fav food for a 10 chapters.
E.J: I can't go that long without kidneys ;A;
M.J: that's saaaad..
Lazari: M.J you could barely make it a day without cheesecake
Sally: Uh huh sure..
Jen: technically Blood isn't food right? It's more of a drink...so ok..*sips on blood happily*
Ben: I don't need food..just video games...and mah bestie*puts an arm around Dark Link*
Dark Link: agreed
Sally: well I find it rather hard to go more than a day without sweets sooooo*puts on a sponge suit*
Lazari: same it's hard to go without my favorite food *puts on sponge suit*
M.J: you know with all these sponges if you pushed someone in a pool they'd probably drown.. *pokes at Sally's sponge suit*
Ben: ;^; probably
M.J: sorry Ben, didn't mean to make you have flashbacks
Dark Link:*pats Ben's head*
L.J: this could take awhile to put sponges all over me...*refering to his height*
Jeff: I'll help you if ya want..
L.J: sure...
Jeff:*helps L.J* there I think they're just about everywhere..
M.J: why didn't you just put on a sponge suit like Laz and Sally?
L.J: .....there wasn't one big enough.....
M.J: oh*slipping one on*
E.J: *wearing a sponge suit* yeah they don't have many sizes
Jen: *takes a picture of E.J and Lazari standing next to each other* Mr. and Mrs.Sponge
Lazari: *giggles nervously* hahah oh shut it you
Jen: *laughs*
Everyone else that can't go without their food puts on the sponges
Jeff: you all are WEAK!
Clockwork: what was that?!
Jeff: you all are W.E.A.K...WEAK!!
Clockwork: your time is up!*lunges at Jeff*
Jeff:*steps aside causing Clockwork to fall into the pool behind him*
Ticci Toby: w-wow
Jeff: she'll be fine..
Ticci Toby: you sure?
Jeff: yes I'm sure now shut your mouth waffle loving boy
Ticci Toby: *flips off Jeff*
Slenderrrrman: now now settle down..*gets Clockwork out of the pool* Jeff don't do that again
Jeff:*mocks him* Jeff don't do that again yeah right if you were wearing a sponge suit too I would've done the same thing to you!
Slendyman: *smacks Jeff*
Looks like no more fav foods for Jeff, Jen, Ben, Dark Link, and Slendyman
(Time skip to the end of the day cuz if someone leaves another dare it'll be hard to do anything with the characters)
M.J: *tosses suit out the window*
E.J:*does the same thing*
Ticci Toby:*takes his off and sneaks to Jeff's room* hehehehe...*puts the suit on the sleeping Jeff and then carries him to the pool* ........*throws Jeff in the pool*
Jeff:*wakes up and crawls out of the pool* TOBYYY!
Ticci Toby: hehe *runs*
Jeff: JUST WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! *rips the sponge suit off and chases Toby*
Everyone else that was wearing a sponge suit: *laugh as they'd watch and throw their suits at Jeff*
Don't forget to leave an ask or dare! :)
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