EJ shall go on a date with Lazari. Trust me....... I'll keep pushing.
E.J:*gets down on his knees* please have mercyyyyy!
M.J:pffffffft...c'mon man it's not THAT bad you just gotta go on a date with her that's all!
E.J: but then she'll think I have lots of feelings for her, and she'll wanna start dating and huuuh*faceplants into the ground*
E.J:*muffled* no
M.J:hmmm...*thinks for a moment* hehehe..
E.J: I can tell you're making THAT face...
M.J: *singing*Tale as old as time...True as it can be!Barely even friends..Then somebody bends....Unexpectedly.Just a little change,Small to say the least,Both a little scared..Neither one prepared.Beauty and the Beast!
M.J: go on a date with her OR, I will keep singing it AND your penalty for not doing it would be, you'd get your kidneys taken away... wow this person is cruel...I LOVE IT!
E.J: I hate it...
M.J: *yanks E.J up* lets go pretty boy...
E.J: Nooooo!
M.J: yeeeess! *starts tugging him*
E.J: I hate you...
M.J: *cute voice* hate you too!
E.J: *mummbles*
Lazari: Can you believe it?! E.J wants to go on a date! What do you think it means??
Sally: um....that he wants to go on a date..?*brushes Lazari's hair*
Lazari: you think he was just dared? Do you think it's his*dreamy sigh* true feelings?
Sally: if it isn't his true feelings that boy is as blind as he looks because he'd be missing out on an amazing girl!*ties Lazari's hair in a bun*
Lazari: *sighs* I hope he likes me the way I like him...
Sally:*turns Lazari towards her and puts the right amount of makeup on her* I may not be in love, but I do KNOW love when I see it. And you two are destined to be together...
Lazari: *giggles* when did you become so smart?
Sally: when did E.J become one to make the first move*wiggles eyebrows*
Lazari: Stop!*giggles and fake slaps Sally's arm*
Sally: Fine Fine, now hold still.*puts a diamond necklace on Lazari and then runs off to get a dress*
Lazari:*takes out the picture of her and E.J* I hope you're right Sally, I've never wanted something so bad in life...
Sally: *comes running back with a pretty maroon dress* here!
Lazari: Sally this is so pretty! Where'd you get it?!
Sally: Uncle Trender...
Lazari: you're sure you want me wearing this dress?
Sally: I absolutely insist!
Lazari: ok ok Fine.. *runs off to go put on the dress*
Sally: they're meant to be...
~back with E.J and M.J*
M.J: aww you're so handsome! She'll love ya!
E.J: where am I even taking her?!
M.J: just out to eat at a semi-formal diner..
E.J: do they serve kidneys?
M.J: you have problems now hush up and let me work my magic!
E.J:*would have just rolled his eyes know* Fine..
M.J:*fixes up E.J's hair and looks at the maroon sweater and jeans he's wearing*
E.J: stop looking at me like that!*blushes slightly*
M.J: fine! I'm just making sure you look good for Lazari!
E.J: whatever lets go already..
M.J: way ahead of ya*tugs him around the mansion until he's at the door where Lazari is* well i'll Be seeing ya! Have fun you two~!*winks at Lazari*
Lazari:*winks back then looks at the fabulous E.J* wow you look great!*blushing slightly*
E.J: *looks Lazari up and down* look great too!*blushing way too much*
Lazari:oh thanks!
E.J: shall we be off then?
Lazari: yeah! Lets go!
E.J: *opens the door for Lazari and then they each walk out*
Sally&M.J: *have been hiding* yes!*high five*
~after a very lovely date, that made the relationship a bit stronger on each end~
Lazari: thanks for the wonderful date E.J...
E.J: uh yeah! Thanks for coming!
Lazari: so um friends..?
E.J: not friends...
Lazari's oh I just thought-
E.J: good friends...
Lazari:*eyes shimmer*
E.J: hah..well..don't get any hopes up...I'm not in for a relationship if you know what I mean...*rubs back of neck awkwardly*
Lazari:*lies* oh yeah of neither.
E.J: alright then! I'll see you around I guess!
Lazari: ok..
E.J:*walks off*
M.J:*hops down from her hiding spot/a chandelier* Sorry bout him Lazari..he's just antisocial sometimes...
Lazari: he's not in for a relationship..?
M.J: trust me girly..a boys mind can be changed, *snaps* just like that..*lifts her mask and smiles, then shoves mask back down*
Sally:*comes out from behind a curtain* she's right you know. I'm sure one of these days the stars will line up and you'll be together.
Lazari: I hope so...
I really do...
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