Oh meh gawd I did the dare
=) I dare Jen to spend 24 h in a room with Ben, Jeff aaaand....... Offenderman. Everything is the same as the dare with EJ, Lazari, MJ and BP.
(Sorry I didn't do this sooner!!)
Jen: Alright *grabs her things*
Ben:*grabs video games* these should keep me busy....
Jeff: Can I bring weapons?
Jeff: Fiiiiine..*grabs his things and sets his knife down*
Offender: *grabs his things*
All:*walk into the room and set their things down*
Jen: so what should we do?
Offender: I've got a few ideas~ *pervy smile*
Jeff:*bìtch slaps the crap out of Offender*
Offender: Hehe~
Jen: *sighs and turns to Ben* you got any ideas?
Ben: we should eat I haven't had a chance to eat in like....a week...
Jen: well maybe if you put down the video games for a small break-
Ben: no..
Jeff: *sighs* alright alright let's just eat...
All: *get up to go get food*
Ben: *eats a lunchable*
Jeff: you're not gonna fill your stomach if you only eat a lunchable...especially since you haven't ate in a week...
Ben: since when do you care about me?
Jeff: I don't, I just don't want L.J to have to do all the crime on his own. You two ARE partners in crime after all..
Ben: true..then I'll eat....THREE LUNCHABLES!
Jen: that's like eating Chinese food, you'll just be hungry again within like 30 minuets.
Ben: your point?
Offender: her point is you'll die..and we wouldn't want such a cutie like you to die now would we~? *pets Ben*
Ben: fack off *moves away*
Jeff: pffft
Offender: *shrugs and eats something random*
Jeff: *eats something random too*
Ben: *plays a videogame while eating two more lunchables and some brownies he found*
Jen:*steals one of the brownie*
Jen: yes? *eats it*
Ben: *hears his character getting harmed* ugh never mind..*sighs and continues to play his game*
(A few minutes later)
Jeff:*playing with a knife he found in the kitchen*
Offender: you're going to cut your finger, and what a shame that would be. For your beautiful skin to be cut once again...
Jeff: *glares* yeah I know I'm beautiful, I don't need a freak like you to tell me that *flings it at Offender*
Offender:*catches it...but almost failed* heh..
Jeff: dang it if it could be a bit closer maybe it would have pierced right through your thick skull
Offender: oh stop it, you'd miss me if I were gone~
Jeff: no..no I wouldn't
Jen: calm down..*drinking blood*
Jen: *smirks* calm down..
Ben: *throws a pillow at her*
Jen:*catches it* jeez, you're so violent..
Ben: probably because I'm a killer
Jen: fair enough
(A few hours full of random conversations)
Ben: and that's what I think about Dark Link
Jeff: interesting
Offender: agreed...
Jen: I always saw you two as rivals for the better Link related creepypasta
Ben: Nah..
Jeff: well looks like we had the same thoughts Jen
Offender: I think most of the creepypasta family thinks that
Jeff: true
(A few more conversations later)
Jeff: so you see, I don't want to be shipped with her I want to stab her and turn her dead body to a state similar to that of her parents. And then maybe when I finally succeed people will realize the infinite hate between us. *Stabs a new knife he found through the coffee table* I just wanna see the life burn away in her eyes...
Jen:*stares at the table*
Ben:*drops his game controller* wow..I knew you guys hated each other but...wow
Offender: so your saying I could date her and you'd be fine with it?
Jen:*glares unhappily*
Offender: just trying to get rid of the cruelty in the room..
Jeff:*turns to Offender* Date her I don't care, but don't be surprised when you wake up to find that she's dead and the room she was last in is burned down to nothing but ash.
(A few hours after calming Jeff down)
Jen:*looks at time* we should probably get going to bed
Ben: Just one more level!
Jen: no
Ben:*grumbles* Fine
Jeff: so where is everyone sleeping? There's only one bed..
Offender: well I think maybe Jen and I should share the bed and you two can sleep on the couch
Jeff: no way we're letting you sleep with her!
Offender: alright whatever, where are we all sleeping then?
The boys:*turn to Jen* ..?
Jen: I'll sleep on the couch, Ben can sleep on the couch too..Jeff will sleep in the bed and Offender can sleep on the ground
Offender: why am I on the cold hard ground?
Jen: I'll make a pallet for you jeez..
Jen:*makes pallet for Offender then sleeps away from Ben*
(Morning time)
Offender: *making breakfast*
Jeff: *wakes up and pokes Jen*
Jen:*wakes up slowly*
Jeff: sorry, didn't mean to wake ya
Jen:*mumbles* it's fine..*stretches and goes to the bathroom*
Jeff:*sits next to Ben*.....*whispers* go to sleep..
Ben: *kicks Jeff but stays asleep*
Jeff: heheh
Jen:*sits back down*
Offender: food is ready...
All: *eat*
Jen: thanks for the food Offender
Offender: no problem my lady~
Jeff&Ben: yeah..thanks
Offender: no problem*smiles normally*
(After awhile of telling each other their backstories)
Jen: *looks at the clock* almost time to go
Ben:*gathers up his games* yep
Offender:*gathers his things* sure is
Jeff:*grabs his things* surprisingly this wasn't too bad
Jen:*nods and gathers her things* agreed
(Two minutes left)
Offender: glad we all got to know each other a bit better...
Jeff:*glances at him*....yeah...
Ben: yeah..maybe we should hang out more...?
Jen: maybe*smiles*
(One minute left)
Door gets unlocked
All:*standing by the door*
No time left
All: *say goodbye and go back to their rooms*
Oh meh gawd this took forever, sorry that there's not too much but I don't know much about Jen and I decided to not make Bena perv anymore. I ALSO am not very good at writing super pervy characters like Offender sooooooo yeah...Anyways hope you enjoyed this!
Don't forget to leave an ask or dare! :)
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