Kidneys upon Kidneys
Sally go dress everyone up in this mansion and make them prettyful.
Sally:NO PROBLEM! But...I won't be able to do ALL of them, some of them aren't here. BUT ANYWAYS! *runs off to Jeff*
Jeff:whatcha want kid?
Sally:*pulls him down and gives him a quick makeover including: pigtails, eyeliner,eye shadow, and the words 'Slit mouth' written with lipstick on his forehead'*
Sally:crud..*runs off to the next person/Lazari*
Lazari:oh hey Sally...
Sally:Can I give you a makeover?
Lazari:of course!
Sally:*takes it seriously and makes Lazari look absolutely stunning*
Lazari: Can I see myself?
Sally: of course! I'll be back once I make everyone else prettyful! *runs off and gives everyone else a makeover*
~after a few of the makeovers~
Ticci Toby: S-Sally I don't l-like-Ike pigtails a-and b-bows-ows....
Slenderman:*has been asleep*
Ben: pft who is this looking in the mirror..?*playfully says* Someone who's about to hunt down Sally!
Killing Kate: wow...thanks kiddo!
Jane:oh my...thank you very much Sally...
E.J: that me?
-end of that-
Sally:*runs back to Lazari* c'mon you and E.J are going out again...I convinced him to take you out with Kidneys...
Lazari: oh, ok!
~during the date~
Lazari: thanks so much for taking me out again!
E.J: uh yeah no problem...*thinking about the letter he got*
Lazari: is something on your mind?
E.J: hm? *lies* no not really..
Lazari: oh...ok!
E.J: look really nice, did Sally do that?
Lazari: yeah, I just love her don't you?
E.J: yeah she's a good kid...
Lazari: you like her?
E.J: she's like a little sister to me...kinda like you but..between you and me, I like you a bit more..
Lazari:*eyes twinkle* wow thank you...
E.J:no problem...
Lazari: well, we've been here for awhile let's get back to the mansion, shall we?
E.J: yeah let's go, I'm getting hungry for kidneys anyways...
~back at the mansion~
Lazari: once again thank you..
E.J: once again no problem..and thank you for coming...*waves and then walks off*
Lazari: no problem...
No problem at all...
*Lazari is thinking about the letter...again*
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