Episode 17: Another sibling and name?
Theodore: *adjusts camera* Ready!
Eleanor: Welcome back to our Chipmunk Podcast!
Simon: Just a heads up, we won't be able to update as often due to school work and busy stuff coming up.
Jeanette: But we'll try our best to answer all your questions as soon as we can!
Brittany: Today's dare is from @Aaminah246, and she asks: "If you could have another sibling, what would you name them?"
Alvin: Easy! I'd want another brother, and I'd call him Alvin Jr.
Brittany: What? Seriously? Naming him after YOURSELF? So arrogant.
Alvin: Just naming my little pal after someone who's achieved big things, hehe. *wink*
Simon: Like what? Learning how to spell his name?
All: *cry of laughter*
Alvin: Come on, guys! It wasn't that funny!
Brittany: MY turn. I'll love to have a lil' sis, and I'd give her a pretty name like... Ooh, Ariana.
Alvin: *pretends to gag* BLEURGH! Such a girly name! Seriously, Britt?
Brittany: Says the one who'll name his brother after a dummy. Anyways, I'm naming her after one of my fave musical artists Ariana Grande.
Alvin: *eyes sparkle* Ariana Grande? THE Ariana Grande? Oh... my... gosh... I LOVE her! I'm her biggest fa- I mean... ahem... she's a pretty big fan of mine. No biggie.
Simon: *rolls his eyes* Yeah right.
Alvin: Oooooh... someone's a little jelly...
Simon: I'm not jelly! Uh- *clears his throat and fixes his glasses* AHEM. Jealous. I'm not jealous.
Brittany: What happened to "girly name", Alvin? *laughs*
Eleanor: I'd have a brother and call him Ashton. It just sounds like a cool name, ya know? I mean, it sorta has a ring to it.
Brittany: Eww... what?
Alvin: Yeah! For once, I'm with Britt on this one. We've already got an 'A' in the chipmunks - that's me, by the way. We don't need no more A's.
Eleanor: For once, Alvin, maybe try thinking about other people besides yourself? You should try it.
Theodore: My turn! I'd love to have twins! And I'd call them Pop and Corn...
Jeanette: P-popcorn?
Theodore: Nuh-uh! Pop and Corn.
Jeanette: Y-yeah... but that spells popcorn put together.
Alvin: Looks like someone's thinking about food again, HAHA!
Theodore: I'm hungry, okay? I need another PB and J! I'll just be in the kitchen, making another one! *runs to the kitchen*
Brittany: PB and J? *whispers* Wh-what is that?
Alvin: Come on, Brittany! You're not a true American if you don't even know what a PB and J is-
Simon: That's not necessarily true, Alv-
Alvin: When I want your opinion I'll ask you for it.
Jeanette: *sighs* It means a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hence the PB and J. But anyways, enough about the food. Let me tell you my name for a sister.
Alvin: Oh, let me guess. You'd call her Honeybee, or Save The Environment, or Magic! *laughs hysterically*
Jeanette: *crosses her arms* Not even remotely funny, Alvin. I was actually gonna call her something simple, like Brielle.
Brittany: Awww... that's a cute name, sis!
Alvin: *mockingly* Awww! It's so, like, adorbs, and cute, and lovely flower cherries lipstick... EWW! Cut the girl talk, ladies!
Brittany & Jeanette: QUIET, ALVINNN!!!
Eleanor: "Lovely flower cherries lipstick"? Okay: there's SO much to teach you about how girls talk.
Alvin: Oh please. What is there to learn? Just put the word "cute" in every one of your sentences and... BAM! Instant girl talk. OBSERVE. Hey, Jeanette?
Jeanette: What?
Alvin: What do you think of honeybees collecting pollen?
Jeanette: Oh, I'd love to see that! It would be really cute!
Alvin: Okay, am I right? Or am I right? Wait, don't tell me. I wanna film your reaction first bef-
Eleanor: *eye roll* I'm too tired to prove you wrong, Alvin.
Simon: I'd appreciate it if you guys'd quit this pointless argument, and let me speak.
Alvin: Go on, professor.
Simon: I'd have another brother, and I'd call him Nicolaus.
Alvin: Ugh... Which famous scientist is it named after THIS time?
Jeanette: Ooh! Nicolaus Copernicus?
Simon: Bingo! He's a famous s-
Alvin: STOP! I've already heard about this Nicholas dude a billion times in science AND history!
Simon: It's Nicolaus... he's actually POLISH.
Alvin: And I'M actually BORED.
Eleanor: Aaaaanywho, I think that pretty much answers her question. Thanks a lot, guys, and see you soon!
Theodore: *comes running back to the living room* I've made my sandwich, guys!
Alvin: Since when has that ever needed an announcement? *eye roll*
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