@mssimdilshipper ask/dare
>>Simon do you like my chibi!bodil doll?
Simon:its cute i guess
Bodil: im fabulous simon, fabulous
>>Bodil kill 1M creepers without help of anyone
Bodil: alright! BRING IT F***er!
Alley:*activates spawner*
Bodil:*changes to peaceful*
@KatrinaJohnson258 ask Bodil if someone kidnapped Simon what will you do and why?
Bodil:cry...a lot...well, ill try to find him first...then cry a f***ing lot
@AudioBlaster ask/dare
>>simdil hows life
Simon: eh
Bodil: great!..eh
>>play Kiss,Marry,Kill
Alley: so...Sky,Ghost and....Bajan GO!
Bodil:uh...s*** um...kiss sky, marry ghost and kill bajan
Simon: Kiss ghost, marry bajan, and kill sky
Alley:huh...interesting choices...
@lazykitty22 ask
>>do you like dares
Alley: Alright! You two have fun!*leaves*
Bodil:um...im okay with dares
Simon: i f***ing hate them...
>>what if you died
Bodil:*shrug* eh
Simon:um...i dont know
>>Do you believe in afterlife
Simdil: yes
>>do you love each other very much
Simdil: of course!
>>when do you think the worlds gonna end and how
Bodil: by meeeemes
Simon: f***ing dank a** memes!
>>how was school back then
Bodil:we actually went to different schools
Simon:i actually liked school
Bodil:mine sucked..i got bullied a s*** ton
Bodil:Thats a secret :3
Simon:i dont really...ship ship..
>>Whats your favorite animal
Bodil:uh...a dolphin XD
Simon:i like um...eh, i dont have one
Bodil: Simon, your boring XD
Simon: stfu
>>what do you think your spirit animal is
Bodil: a phenoix?
Simon:a tiger!
Bodil:why a tiger?
Simon:cause im fierce as a tiger!
Bodil: said f***ing who? XD
Simon: said f***ing me b**** B)
>>what kind of death do you think your gonna get
Bodil: i dont want to think of that wtf?!
Simon:i think ill have a death by f***ing brain cancer
Bodil:good or bad way?
Simon:good way
Alley:theres a good and bad brain cancer?
Bodil: CIRCLETINE *screeches and throws something*
Alley:*runs out*
Simon:*confused* wtf?!
Bodil://SCREECH *throws plastic cup at camera*
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