Dat A** tho B)
@athenspride ask bodil does Simon have a great a**
Bodil: H*** yeah
@mssimdilshipper ask/dare
>>bodil are you a yandere or a tsundere
Bodil: no...I'm uh...uh.. there's another kind that I can't remember the name of
>>ever held a masquerade ball
Simon: nope
Bodil: nah...but I've been invited to one tho
>>wanna join watching My neighbor Totoro
Simon: I need a f***ing break from anime
Bodil: you need more sleep, you went on a 3 day f***ing marathon
Simon: stfu
>>are guys hyped for the nes Fnaf:sl
Bodil: I played it already! Go check it out lol
Simon: eh
>>baki can I get a hug
Baki: wha-? Oh... sure!
>>bodil what is this
Bodil: uh....I forgot
>>sing bad apple and echo
Simon: oh! Oh! I know how to sing bad apple!
Bodil: are these weeb songs?
Alley: ejhhhhh :v
Simon: *starts singing bad apple*
Bodil:*tries to understand the songs*
Alley: this is a mess
@lazykitty22 ask/dare
>>can I get a hug please
Alley: by who?...if anyone then you can count on meh :v
>>bodil kiss bodil666 while Simon is asleep
Bodil:nahhh, he's going to beat my a*** if I do
>>who do you like/love
Bodil: *points at simon*
Simon: *hugs miku*
Ross: What?!
Alley: Ross your not suppose to be here...
Ross: but he stole miku
Alley: ;;;;
>>what's your favorite emoji
Bodil: 💩😎
Simon: 🖕🖕🖕
Alley:wow XD
Alley: all mine *^*
>>favorite food
Bodil: my favorite food is food XD
Simon:I like pineapple
Alley:pen apple pineapple pen?
Simon: f*** off
>>wHO Lik MineCraft
Alley: yeuh!
Bodil: //scREECH
>>Who do you ship
Bodil: I don't ship ship, but I ship a lot ish
Simon:I don't ship. At f***ing all
>>do you like Dylan
Alley: he is adorable!
Bodil: of course we love him!
Simon: he's our son!
Dylan: *runs down* daddy! Can I have ice cream?!
Bodil: of course!
Simon: no
Alley: * gives ice cream to dylan*
Dylan: *watches them argue and eats ice cream*
Alley: *watches them argue while eating pocky*
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