Ha: Guys let me handle this and you guys can stay here I will be back Marissa come with me
Marissa: ok umm..excuse me sir
Guy at the counter: yes how may I help you
Marissa: my sister is in this hopital...
Ha:*reads name tag and whispers to Marissa* his name is Bob
Bob: so you two are sisters with her?
Ha: ummm
Marissa: yes we are...
Ha:*whispers to Marissa* What are you doing we are going to be in big trouble
Ha: our friends are over there I am guessing that they can't come with us. :(
Bob: aww I can't say no to a sad girl ok they can go
Marissa: guys lets go we can see her
Ha: that guy gives me weird vibes
Sasha:good or bad?
Ha: bad
Sasha:ok then we need to look out for that guy
Ha: were here the guy said the surgery was finished a hour ago
Marissa:so we can go in
Ha: I still have the feeling you guys should wait out there
Sasha: hey visiting hours are open
Ha: wow ok lets go in
Eva: oh hey guys
Ha: oh what happed
Eva: I got hit by a truck
Ha: oh he well sorry
Eva: well I got a few broken ribs a broken leg and finger
Ha: and finger?
Eva: I have no idea anyways so what now
Ha: well when you get out of the hospital june can take us to the cafe ( the boys do care but something else happened spoiler alert most of them got detention or got to sick and had to stay inside)
Eva: ok that will be great
Ha: yay well I am going down to the cafeteria and going to get something to eat.
Every girl in the room except Eva:yas are you buying?
Ha: yes
Marissa:well be back heres your phone call us if you need anything
Eva:ok see ya later
Ulaya: Bye!
(5 minutes later)
Bob: hey there
Eva: ohh uuuu ih nurse
Bob:*face comes about a inch away from Eva's face* my my you care a pretty one
Eva:*pulls up "phone" calls Ha*
Ha: * phone rings* hmm oh I got to take this brb hello?
Phone: Ha hellp a nurse is sexually harassing me!!!!!!!!
Ha: *thinks* Bob *runs up stairs* (cause elevators slow) *kicks the locked door open* OMFG!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Bob:oh my another one it must be my lucky day!
Ha: *takes picture of the scene WHY YOU *Simmons Phoenix sword* YOU DIE NOW EVA CALL THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eva:Ok *calls police*
Ha: ok good time to put my acting skills to the test *uses sword to give cuts and bruises and starts crying* Eva please dont cry
Eva: I can't help it
Ha: just tell the police what you saw *goes to corner and curls up into a ball*
Police guy: Freeze
Ha and Eva: ;-;
Police: *thinking*that guy has a knife with blood on it *saying* You are under arrest
Ha: t-t-thanks officer
Eva:t-t-thank y-y-you
Police: no problem *takes the guy outside*
*Ladycop comes in*
Lady cop: Hi girls I am Mrs. Vercomberdgy but you can call me
Mrs.V so I am going to ask you some questions and just answer them and you'll be fine.
Ha:o-o-ok but c-c-can I stay in the c-c-corner I f-f-feel s-safe here
Mrs.V:ok so what happened?
Eva: w-w-who are you talking to ?
Mrs.V: you
Eva: o-ok just l-let me take a s-sip of
Ha: S-same h-here
Eva:*tosses water bottle to Ha* ok we are calm I was here and my sister gave me my phone so I won't get bored here. So after 5 minutes or so this nurse walked in and he held his fsce really close to mine... then I called my sister and she came as fast as she could.
Mrs.V: wait why didn't she get a security guard or another nurse to help?
Ha: I can be good or bad when pressured and in this case I was bad. So when I came in the guy I saw was at the front desk and I had a bad vibe that he could mean bad news.So when Eva called me I just had to and when I walked in he was about to cut Eva but he was happy that I came so I toke a picture. So the guy over powered me and started cutting me... on the back, the legs, and the arms and when I yelled to Eva to call the police she did then here we are now.
Mrs.V: can I see the picture
Ha: ya here *hand her the phone* if you need to you can use it as evidence.
Mrs.V: yes thank you and what are your names?
Well she's Eva my older sister and I am Ha the younger sister
Mrs.V: I like the name Ha so quick and simple. Not like my first name
Ha:what's your first name?
Mrs.V: Verosnachercomba
Ha: oh well at least its easier to say :/
Mrs.V: so thank you and you will be presented in court as a witness
Ha: ok well that will be a long day...Oh no I left them in the cafeteria I have to go eva visiting hours are going to be closed
Eva:oh ok then see you guys tomorrow
*at the cafeteria*
*the group arguing about who should pay the bill*
Ha: sorry to keep you guys waiting so how much I need to pay?
Waiter: $119.33
Ha:ok *hands money* and heres a tip
Waiter: wow you don't need to tip me that much
Ha:yea I gave you a extra $15 for just dealing with them
Waiter:thank you *leaves*
Ha:guys.. Guys!>:( GUYS!!!!!!
Everyone in the room:*stairs her down*
Ha:sorry please continue what you were doing
Rebecca: why are you scratched up?
Why are you still reading?
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