awww a new love :3 ;D ·3·
*later that day*
steobrother:DONT TALK TO MOM LIKE THAT *kicks in the stomach*
Ha: ;o;
Stepmom: *grabs whip,*
Both: *beats Ha until she can't stand*
*Sasha walks in*
Sasha :OMG HA!!!!!
Stepmom: oh hello are you here to see my lovely daughter Ha?
Sasha: no I am calling the police
Steobrother: oh no you dont
Ha: *grabs axe and hits steobrother in the back of his head* (no I did no ues the sharp part only the Handel)
Ha: I never back down from a flight
Stepmom: what you're still standing well we need to fix that. >:D
Ha: you have a whip I have a axe what do you expect of the outcome
Stepmom: fine your off the hook for now
Ha:*stabs arm*
Stepmom:*screaming in pain*
Sasha: not again
Ha: hey she deserved it
(Later at the house)
Dan and Justin: Ha what happened to you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Ha: I am fine I just need some rest
Jack and Zoey: Sasha what happened.
Sasha: can we talk about that later I need to go to the store and grab some stuff for Ha
Zoey:fine :/
Jack: 0/////0
Ha:*phone beeps* ? *cheaks phone* oh Awww that made my night
Sasha:I bought the stuff and what? *reads aww thanks gummiebear2278
Ha:*sends what message said to everyone*
Everyone else: wow, aww, yay. THANKS
neighbor:SHUT UP *throws something at their window*
Jack: not again and its -8 degrees outside
Ulaya: *sigh* I'll go grab the duck tape.
Ha: hey guys
Zoey: why are you out of bed?
Ha:I just came down for a drink of water... why is Jack...ohhhh >:3 I knew it
Jack: k-k-knew what
Ha: I knew you liked her
Jack: I-I-I don't like anyone
Ha: what ever * leaves* =.=
Sasha:*phone beeps* oh a ask or dare
*checks* >:)
Jack: ummm Sasha why do you have that smile...
Sasha: you have a ask and a dare >:D
Jack: whats the ask?
Sasha: Crystal asked you who do you like?
Jack: ok but can every girl leave except Sasha?
All the girls in the room now: ok bye
Sasha:soo who is it
Jack: I-I-It's-
(Time skip and yes I just did that)
Sasha: wow.... ummm your dare is.... both of us either had their first kiss or didn't...
Jack: wait... WE HAVE TO KISS
Sasha: WHAT???? No you have to kiss Zoey
Jack: what...
Sasha: the dare said I dare Jack to Kiss Zoey on the lips and the dare was from Ha-
Never mind
Jack:so Ha was the one who ask me to do the dare?
Hanna: no that was me
Jack: oh well I am going to go ask Ha if she knows were Zoey is
Sasha: ok see ya later :]
Ha: *plays minecraft* She's in the park near the pond
Jack:... ok
(25minutes later)
Jack: ummm Zoey
Zoey: what
Jack: umm *kisses Zoey on the lips and runs away*
Ha: soooo leave a ask
Marissa: or a dare
Both:and well see you soon BYE
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