Giga Pudding c:
Note! This was recorded before #Jolly666 was revived c:
And the title is because I was watching simon when he did the giga pudding dance XD
@TheMuffinMan6879 dare bodil666 to wear insane!simon shirt
Bodil666: *pulls it up from time to time*
@WhoisAphmauIRL dare alley to genderbend until I say stop
Alley: count it done and done!
Bodil666:again?! are you f***ing kidding me...
Insane!Simon:*looking down at herself*...*is very confused*
Alley: ah..i never been gender bent haven't you insane!simon?
@Spooky_Heart dare(?) 5 ways how not to be bored w/ Insane666
1.They are OTP
2.Bodil666 is adorable
3.They are shippable :v
4.It's kinda a hate ship
5.Everyone loves them -w-
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