KatrinaJohnson258 ask How are you guys doing today?
Insane!Simon: we've been doing fine...what the h*** do you think dumb**
Bodil666: ....
snowyisadoggy dare insane666 to KISS UNTIL IT TURNS INTO YAOI!!!!!!
Alley: Sorry! yo said it a bit too hardcore ;p Had to edit a bit
Bodil666:what?! h*** no!
insane!Simon: but we have to do it...
bodil666: nononono....no, i don't want to do this as our first f***ing dare
alley: how bout a deal ;3
bodil666: well see, tell me first
alley:i show the picture then you don't have to do any dares to hardcore like this for...3 chapters
Bodil666:....make it 10
alley: 2?
Bodil666: 5
Alley: we have a deal ;3
Alley: Don't ask how i got these, i would never tell ;3
Bodil666: *looks away facepalming*i still f***ing hate them for that prank..
Insane!Simon: You were lucky i went to the bathroom
Bodil666: s-shut up! i could've handled it myself...
Insane!simon: You used to never stand up to them
Bodil666: *crosses arms* still...
Alley: Alright guys! Leave a question or dares for them! and they'll see you next time c;
ok..in case your confused about the pic, heres what happened:
Sky brine, Enderlox, And witherMU bully bodil666 a lot. One day, they decided to prank him by switching his clothes out with a pink dress. Bodil666 had no choice to wear it or else he has to go find his clothes naked (which is probably something no one really wants to see....or..thats what some people think ;3) Bodil666 had to sneak around looking for his clothes, but he ended up hiding in the bathroom instead. Insane!Simon...lets just say.. 'coincidentally' heard bodil666 in the stall blaming his head on the wall. So insane!Simon took off his shirt and gave him his extra pair of pants. (Insane!simon always has a bag of extra clothes with him c;)
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