New Member and the Run...
Bite won! Maximum got destroyed... He got torn by the fire. Don't worry he's in a good place now. Anyways Bite will be in some of these chapters. So u could Ask if you wanna know things about him and even dare us with Bite in it! It's gonna be cool having a robot dinosaur with us. PS. For some reason the picture didn't show up on the media in the last chapter. So I hope u could see it in this chapter.
*After seeing the movie, "Transformers, Age of Extinction" and are now back home*
Foxina: Best movie ever!
Cress: Ikr.
Snap: MLG Robot dinosaur is Bite.
Cress: Mhmm
Foxina: Can't believe I'm the only person that hasn't seen that movie! It was sick!
Cress: Okay now lets go in animatronic form now. *Tries to go to animatronic form, but doesn't work* Wth!
Foxina: Let me try. *Tries to go to animatronic form but also fails*
Mage: We can't change into animatronics anymore?!
Cress: Well I bet we can, but we just need to know the problem is.
Toy Chico: Hey guys I found a box!
Everyone: *Goes to see what TC is talking about*
Jeremy: Shall we open it?
Cress: I guess.
Jeremy, Fritz, and Mike: *Opens a box*
Cress: Panda animatronic? That's new.
Freddet: Panda?
Fangz: Since when was there a panda animatronic? Ever?
Cress: Since now. Should we turn it on now? Or until we turn into animatronics?
Blondy: Now! *Turns on the panda animatronic*
???: Hi...? Crystal?
Axel: Who?
???: Wait where am I? Who am I?
Zach: Ur in Freddet Furbear Pizzaria! And idk who u r, a panda animatronic.
Cress: Ima turn u into human form, panda person.
???: Is it gonna hurt?
Cress: Nope. *Turns the panda animatronic into human form*
Everyone: *Looks at him especially Cress*
Axel: Now who the heck is Crystal?
Cress: Wait a sec, Razor?!
Razor: Hey Crystal. I knew it was u.
Bonneta: Wait u two know each other?!
Cress: Yas! *Hugs Razor as fast as she could*
Razor: *Hugs back*
Axel: ........
Cress: *Stops hugging Razor* Sorry I got carried away. This is Razor, he was one of my friends I knew since forever before I was a animatronic. We played together, talked, and do everything.
Axel: *Thinks* Does she used to like him before she was a animatronic? *Stops thinking*
Mary: I see someone's a bit jealous. *Points at Axel*
Axel: I'm not.
Mary: I could read minds u know.
Cress: Don't be. He's just one of my friends I remembered from the past.
Razor: *chuckles* Yeah I don't have a crush on her or anything just friends.
Mary: Surprised that Zach ain't jelly.
Cress: Wait what...
Zach: Mary!
Cress: U like me?
Zach: Umm... *Runs away*
Mary: Yes he does. *Vanishes*
Cress: Okay...
Razor: So who's who?
Cress: Oh yeah I forgot u dont know anyone yet.
Snap: Sup, I'm Snap. Ima human and puma hybrid.
Razor: Nice ears.
Snap: Thx.
Emerald: I'm the princess of Freddet Furbear Pizzaria! See my princess crown, proof!
Razor: *Whispers to Cress* Is she really a princess?
Cress: *Whispers back* Nope, not at all.
Emerald: I heard that!
Blondy: Moving on, Hi I'm the amazing Blondy.
Razor: Hola Blondy.
TB: I'm Toy Bonneta!
TC: I'm Toy Chico!
TF: I'm Toy Freddet!
Razor: Um, why do u all have Toys in the beggining of it name?
TF: Cuz we're awesome.
Razor: And why do u look like does 3 other people. *Points at Chico, Freddet, and Bonneta*
Chico: Cuz we're older versions of them.
TB: We're new versions!
Razor: Strange okay. So I'm guessing ur Bonneta, Chico, and Freddet?
Freddet: Correcta mongo. *Blushes*
Foxina: I'm Foxina!
Razor: Pirate kind of lad?
Foxina: Yeah.
Fangz: What's up.
Balloon Girl: The sky duh.
Fangz: Balloon Girl!
Balloon Girl: Hahahahhah.
Fangz: Grrrrr....
Razor: So I'm guessing that was Balloon Girl, and you are?
Fangz: Fangz, that's what they call me. *Not caring*
Razor: Hmm okie, also I like ur dress.
Fangz: *Looks at Razor* Oh um yeah thx.
Mage: Back of boy. She's my lady.
Fangz: I'm not, ignore Mage.
Razor: Mage, nice name bro.
Mage: Don't compliment my lady ever again.
Razor: K *Winks*
Axel: Sup dude I'm Axel.
Razor: Sup Axel.
Zach: *Walks in* I'm Zach.
Razor: Hey Zach, where were u?
Zach: Hiding.
Mary: *Appears* Boo.
Razor: I don't get scared easily.
Mary: Watch ur back ima scare u next time. So I'm Mary.
Razor: R u a girl or a boy?
Mary: Neva eva gonna tell u. *Vanishes*
Razor: Mmmm Mary is definitely a girl.
Cress: How do u know?
Razor: Um just a guess *Lies*
Violet: I'm Purps.
Razor: I know ur Violet.
Violet: How?
Razor: U killed me, stuffed me into a suit and tada!
Violet: Oh yeah...
Cress: U stuffed him into a suit!?
Violet: Yes...
Cress: I said no more killing people and stuffing them into suits Violet! And u killed Razor! *Crying, and is angry at the same time*
Violet: Well he's here now so...
Cress: *Turns into a wolf and has red evil eyes and white fur with here cressents necklace*
Violet: How did she???
Axel: Cress?
Cress: *About to run to Violet and bite her until someone interrupted and started to growl*
Razor: *Grabs and hugs Cress* Crystal I'm fine, alright. I'm here now and I'm happy to see u and all ur friends and that. So don't go bitting people plz. *Eyes r turning teary*
Cress: *Sees Razor getting his eyes teary*
Razor: Plz...
Cress: *Stops growling and turns into human form* I'm.. *Looks at everyone* I'm sorry... *Runs into the forest*
Everyone: Cress!
To be continued...
(Dang, well that happened)
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