Finding Cress or Crystal?
Violet: It's all my fault...
Razor: It's not.
Violet: Don't say it isn't! If I haven't ever killed u and stuffed u in a suit none of this would've happened!
Razor: .....
Violet: I'm sorry I just... Can't control myself. Something is wrong with me. When I see a child or someone I go crazy and stuffed them into a suit.
Snap: U haven't stuffed me in a suit.
Violet: Wait ur not into a suit?
Snap: Nvm yes I am. Im in a puma suit. *Lies*
Violet: I know ur not in a suit. It depends who the people r sometimes.
Axel: We gotta find Cress come on! Let's split up, remember the teams when we did the robot dare thing. That's how we're splitting up. Razor ur coming with us.
Razor: Ok.
Everyone: *Goes into the forest*
Fangz: If I was Cress where would I be?
Mary: Being with us that's what.
Zach: Heh. *Thinks* Where r u Cress?
Axel: So tell us y do u call her Crystal?
Razor: Cuz that's her name. Well before, I never seen her till today.
Foxina: So her name is Crystal before she died?
Razor: I guess. My name is still Razor. I guess my name works with being animatronic.
Zach: It does.
Fangz: And mine!
Snap: So will u still call her Crystal, or Cress?
Razor: Idk yet.
Mage: Do u like Cress?
Razor: Nah, but she's alright.
Axel: Yeah, she is.
*Cress point of view and is thinking*
I can't believe I was going to bite Lila. I just can't control myself when I get angry. No one seen me angry and turned into a wolf before, until today. I'm running in the forest and now I stopped. I guess I'm far from everyone. Y would Violet kill another person? Even I told her not to. She killed Razor for God sake! I'm getting kinda mad. But I calmed down. I wonder if she will forgive me for screaming at her and everything. I care about everyone alright, but when I turn into a wolf I can't control anything! It's like someone else is controlling me, and Im just there watching everything happen. When I saw Razor getting teary, I got control over myself. Freckin powers! Let's just say before I died I was a werewolf. Nobody knew that except Razor. I couldn't tell anybody else, cuz they might kill me or something. That's y I'm a wolf animatronic today. Even when I'm a animatronic I can turn into a wolf whenever I can. But when I do I can't control anything. Cressless is back. That's what I call myself when I don't control myself as a wolf. I try not to stay mad, so I can't turn into Cressless. When I was young and with Razor. I got mad at him once. I turned into a wolf and I... Scratched him near in his eye. That's y u can see a battle scar on him. I ran away when I got controled of myself like today. So this is actual my 2nd time ever doing this. I just wished that I finally get a hold of myself and be me! I hear something. Or someone...
*Canine group point of view without Cress*
Razor: This is not the first time I've seen Cress act like this.
Emerald: Wait, she acted like this before? To who?
Razor: Me.
Emerald: Oh..
Razor: She got mad it me, one day. She scratched me near my eye. That's y I have battle scar. *Points at his scar* And she ran of like she did today. Then, when I tried to look for her. I couldn't find her at all. That's the last time I got to see her.
Mage: What did u do?
Razor: I better not actually tell u.
Violet: We understand.
Axel: Don't hurt Cress! Oops sorry I had too.
Razor: Dude its fine. I actually shouldve never said what I have said to her that made her mad and run of like that along time ago.
*Other team point of view*
Bonneta: Cress!
Freddet: Cress!
Everyone: Cress!
TB: No use.
TC: She won't come if we yelled her name.
Fritz: At least we tried.
Jeremy: I got an idea.
Mike: Which is?
Jeremy: Anyone know where Bite is?
TF: Oooo.
Balloon Girl: Ride dinosaur?
Jeremy: Yes.
Balloon Girl: Yayayayyahahhahayaya!
Chico: Oh bother.
TB: So how we gonna find Bite?
Jeremy: Hmmm. Hey um do u guys see that? *Points*
Everyone: *Looks*
TC: Its Axel.
Everyone: Lets go!
Fritz: Hey!
Mage: Hola?
Fangz: What r u guys doing here? We had to split up remember.
Jeremy: We got an idea. Well I got an idea.
Emerald: Which is?!
Jeremy: Bite!
Snap: Don't tell me we r gonna ride Bite plz don't tell me that.
Jeremy: To late! We r!
Bite: *Roars*
Everyone besides Cress: *Sees Mary riding Bite*
Mary: Got emmm! Now come on! We gotta find Cress!
TF: Um how we suppose to like get on this dino.
Bite: *Puts tail down and Roars to show what hes telling us*
TF: Okay then..
Everyone besides Cress: *Is on Bite*
Mary: Lead the way to Cress!
Bite: *Got Cress's scent, and now following it*
Zach: Hey guys down there.
Violet: Cress!
Cress: *Sees everyone on Bite*
Violet: *Gets of Bite*
Cress: *Runs to Lila, this time not to bite to apologize and hug!* *Whispers* I'm sorry.
Violet: *Whispers back* I'm sorry too.
Cress: *Stops hugging Violet and sees Razor get out of Bite*
Razor: Hey Crystal...
Cress: *Hugs Razor* I'm sorry for everything!
Razor: Its not ur fault Crystal. It's not ur fault *Hug back*
Cress: *Stops hugging Razor* And I'm sorry to everyone seeing me like that.
Fangz: Y didn't u tell us u can turn into a wolf?
Cress: To tell the truth idk, but now u know.
Emerald: Glad ur here!
Sly, Toria, Willow, Jianna, and Ashley appears.
Cress: Hey peeps!
Willow: Hey. Cress I'm happy ur back. Well everyone is.
Jianna: Best 2 chapters ever! Oops I mean I'm happy ur back Cress.
Toria: Love the drama! Also happy ur back!
Slh: Yeah happy ur back! Bet Axel is happy.
Axel: Hey!
Cress: *Kisses Axel*
Willow: Better leave u two alone u guys wanna come with us?
Razor: Nah, we got everything here. Right here.
Hey guys decided to do this. It just pop in my head to do these 2 chapters. This would be a really good ending to be honest, but I don't think there will be a ending in this book, unless something happening in my future life that makes me stop. If there was a ending then it would be better than these 2 chapters. Razor is based on one of my friends in rl. But some things r true. Like he isn't a person that I met when I was 1 or something. Some things r true, like I play with him a lot, and talk to him a lot and everything.
Speaking of playing his name "Razor", is based on his username on his ps4. That's y I picked it, and it makes sence putting it on a fnaf book. Anyway guys I did these two chapters for a reason. I did this, so I can publish other chapters in my other books. It's pretty hard working on sooo many books at the same time. Like I have to work on my " Full Moon" book. Plus I had to put Razor in the book. And the things that pop in my head I put it in my books. Which makes it awesome! Toria, Sly, Willow, Jianna, and Ashley r based on people on wattpad. So they might be in my fnaf book SOMETIMES. There like the extra. So Ask/Dare us! Ba bye!
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