T or D
TheMuffinMan6879 dared play truth or dare
Bodil:wait...isnt this basically truth or dare :/
Deadlox:i dont f***ing know... But i guess thats true...
Bodil:that f***ing a**hole is frickn trolling us..
Bodil:well lez start zen..
Deadlox:wait! We should uh invite others... Two people is boring..
{alley, devil alley, seto, deadlox, bodil,themuffinman6879 are playing}
Muffin:im here too :p
(Btw im sorry about the dares and truth of being sucky :p)
Devil alley:*smirks*hehe... Seto truth or dare
Devil alley:f*** um i mean..what really happened to setsolace >:3
Seto: he told me he was with someone else
Alley:yes :3
Devil alley:sure...
Seto:anyways.. Um muffin truth or dare
Muffin: dare
Seto: i dare you to do the nervous game with someone
Muffin:O-o do i have to...
Seto: yes
Muffin:*signs then whispers to alley*can you teleport baki here...
Alley:yes..yes uh snowman *teleports baki here*
Baki:what the- hey bodil
Bodil: hi XD
Alley:nervous game! Muffin! Plz!
Devil alley:she is saying do the nervous game with muffin
Baki:wut!um, why me?!
Muffin: sorry...
Baki:well, we should end it now right?
Muffin:yeah i guess... *signs**goes close to baki's face*
Muffin:*puts hand on baki's chest*are you nervous yet
Muffin:*slides his hand down to baki's waist*are you nervous yet?
Muffin:*slides down to baki's leg*are you nervous yet?
Muffin:*kisses baki then stops* are you nervous yet?
--camera error... Plz stand by-- (sorry muffin)
Muffin: my gosh... He was hard
Devil alley:that was probobaly the longest nervous game i ever seen played...
Alley:*playing minecraft*
Muffin:sorry :/ anyways um.. Bodil truth or dare
Bodil: truth b****
Muffin: ok then... Do you really love deadlox
Bodil: h*** yeah
Alley:*whispers to herself*#simdil4ever :3
Bodil:ok um... Alley truth or dare
Alley:*ignores him and keeps playing minecraft*
Seto:*splashes potion on alley*
Alley:ow! You should stop smashing it, you could just have just givin it to me to drink it!
Seto: sorry .-.
Alley:anyways.. what are we doing?
Bodil:we are doing f***ing truth or dare
Alley: oh ok um... Truth
Bodil:hmm...do you like being 5 yearz old
Bodil:of cosrze...
Alley:my turn um deadlox, truth or dare
Deadlox:dare me b****
Alley:wuts with people cusing!
Everyone except for seto and alley:cause we are f***ing awesome!
Alley:gosh.. Anywayz.. Um i dare you to be a neko for 2 chapters :3
Deadlox:s*** i know where dis is going...
Seto:*splashes potion on deadlox*
Deadlox: meow! That hurts, now i know how alley feels..
Alley:(back to 5)yes.. Ouchie :(
Deadlox:well, devil alley, truth or da-
Devil alley:dare
Deadlox: ok..*thinking*i know hehe... I dare you to kiss brice
Devil alley:
Deadlox:alley, bring brice here
Alley:yes! Budder...solace*teleports goldsolace here*
Brice:i know but.. Wait.. Where am i?!
Devil alley:lets just get this over with *kisses brice*
Deadlox:i dared her to
Devil alley:dont like?*takes bodils sunglasses*deal with it!
Bodil:hwey! -3-
Devil alley:well thats it for today!
Bodil:leave a comment
Deadlox:or a dare
Everyone:and we will see you all next tim
(Sorry for taking so long.. School is coming back tommorow and im packing... Also because it was hard to think of the dare and stuff)
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