Questions and dares
@Ask_Enderlox dared do z cinnamon challenge
Deadlox:what! We might f***ing die from it tho...
Bodil:wut! Nononono, i dont wanna die! I dont wanna die!
Deadlox:bodil*slaps then kisses bodil*calm the f*** down
Deadlox:lets just get this over with...
Bodil:*breathes in and out rapidly*i can do this!
Deadlox:*puts cinnamon in 2 teaspoons*
Bodil:*gets a teapoon* f*** my life *eats it*
Deadlox:f*** you guys *eats it*
Bodilox:*coughs it out*
Bodil: water! Water! Give me the frickin water!
Deadlox: i cant breathe *coughs*
Alley:*comes in with milk*
Bodilox: give that to me!
Alley:*jumps a little and flys up*
Deadlox:*runs to sink and drinks sink water*
Alley:*recording this for devil alley*
Bodil:*goes to the fridge and drinks half a gallon of milk*
==1 hour of drinking and panicking later==
Bodil:that was f***ing awful!
Deadlox:f*** you b****
Alley:question! Question!
@TheMuffinMan6879 asked deadlox, do you hate me? And bodil, do you want me deadlox into a cat or dog?
Bodilox:*reads question*
Deadlox:i f***in did cause of your f***in dare, but im over it and i found you a long time ago.hehehe
Bodil:*whispers to TheMuffinMan6879 * watch out for booby traps XD
Deadlox:shut the f*** up
Bodil: :3 you asked the most wierd question ever..
Bodil: umm i would proboly want you as a pussy? XD
Deadlox:wow wut z f*** bodil XD
Bodil: :P sorry.. Anywayz leave z comment
Deadlox:or dare and
Bodilox:we will see you all later maybe...
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