ShayleeIsAwesome asks: for revenge have Seto make another love potion for Bodil and Simon >:3
Seto: what is it?
Cherry: READ*gives Seto iPad*
Seto:*smiles* REVENGE!
------------------few moments later-------------------
Seto: Cherry I got the potion!
Cherry: great! Bodil and Simon are outside talking!
Seto: let's go!*teleports outside*
Cherry: psst! They are right there!
Bodil and Simon:*talking*
Seto: XD*splashes love potion on Bodil and Simon*
Cherry:*teleports Bodil and Simon into a room* >:3 now we wait!
Seto: but this time we don't drag them anywhere >:)
Cherry: smart!
-------------------few hours later------------------
Bodil: ughhhhhh wtf my head hurts so badddddd ): *sees Simon* WTF SIMON WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?
Simon: ahh- BODIL!??
Bodil: why da hell are we in the same room?
Simon: and why does my ass hurt?
Bodil:*looks at shirt* oh god my shirt is unbuttoned, did we "it"
Simon: I think so but how!?!?? We were outside chatting!
Bodil: that's really weird, I didn't see Seto or Cherry after THAT happened.
Simon: do u think it was them?
Bodil: maybe, maybe not.*opens door* lets go and find out.
Simon: ok!
----------------few minutes later---------------
Bodil: what did u guys do?
Cherry: I dunno what ur talking about
Bodil: I know u did something, me and Simon were in a room together :/
Cherry: isn't that normal for you guys? XD
Bodil: not usually >////<
Cherry: well we didn't do anything.
Bodil: I'll trust you then.*walks away*
Simon:*follows Bodil*
Cherry: XD*high fives Seto*
Seto: wow ur good at not laughing
Cherry: I try XD
Cherry:*jumps a little* BO-DIL!?!? HO-W D-ID YOU H-EAR?
Bodil: I was hiding b*tch
Seto: oh no........
Cherry: IT WAS WORTH ITTTTTTT*runs away*
--------------later that day--------------
Cherry: well Seto is leaving today so say goodbye!
Bodil: bye Seto!
Simon: bye!
Cherry: bye,*kisses Seto's cheek*
Seto:*blushing* bye guys.
Cherry:*goes into room* huh? What's this?*picks up book* this wasn't here before....*opens book and reads it*
OMG THIS IS AWESOME! WOW THIS IS A SPELL BOOK FULL OF GREAT SPELLS! I wonder who did it....*flips to last page* wait a minute, what?
Note: this is a thank you note for having me, I knew you would like this book because I discovered you had a liking to spells, just like me. You are a great friend :)
-SetoSorcerer ❤️
Cherry: w-ow this is so n-ice of h-im
Hopeful you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment ur asks and dares in the comments!
-Cherry out!
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