Im tired XD
By the way the gender potion wore off and the Simdil couple is back!
Seto: I'm male again, and my chest doesn't feel heavy anymore!
Cherry: dammit I'm shorter now..
Seto:*puts elbow on Cherry's head*
Cherry: anyways, how was the date?
Bodil: amazing!
Simon: yeah it was really quiet and calm
Bodil: we had a lot of fun!
Cherry: good to hear*smiles* now on to the dares!
Bodil: suddenly I don't feel comfortable anymore..
@kittenpaws14 ask: I dare Seto to prank Cherry until she breaks
Seto: this is going to be difficult but I'll try.
Bodil: she's s bit hard to prank due to her personalitys and her cat reflexes..
Seto: shush magic
Cherry:*playing computer games*
Seto:*hold pie* Smack ca-
Cherry:*knocks pie out of Seto's hand* nope.
~a few tries later~
Seto: I give up...
Azaza_FTW Asks: Rip Seto XD welp, I dare Simdil to hotly make out in front of the camera
@kittenpaws14: asks: I dare Seto to throw a love potion on the Simdil couple
Cherry: perfect timing!
Seto:*holds out potion* heh
Cherry: hey Bodil, Simon, come here!
Simdil:*walks* yeah?
Seto:*splashes potion*
Simdil:*eyes turn pink*
Cherry:*positions camera*
Simdil:*starts making out*
Cherry:gah!*nosebleeds and faints*
Seto: excuse me while I try to revive a fangirling Cherry*teleports into kitchen*
~Time skip~
Bodil: ugh my head hurts..
Simon: love potion?
Bodil: prob..
Cherry: Hey guys you o- gah! *covers eyes* p-put some clothes o-on!
Seto: better do it I just revived her...
Bodil:*puts clothes on*
Simon:*puts clothes on*
lazykitty22 asks: I dare Bodil to be Simon's maid for, um two chapters?
Bodil: why me.ever.single.time.
Cherry: maybe people like seeing you in maid dresses?
Bodil: maybe...*goes to bathroom*
Simon: heh~
Cherry: WAIT *puts dog collar on Bodil* there we go :D
Simon: your my b!tch now*pulls on Bodil's collar*
Bodil:*blushes* oh sh!t....
Izzy401 asks: "THANK YOUS! Now I can make more dares 030
I dare seto and cherry to adopt a kid
I dare bodil and Simon to have a kid, you can choose whi is the mother
I dare cherry to be locked in a closet naked for a hour
I dare Simon to become a dolphin
Last one, i dare seto to do the ship nae nae dance without a shirt on in frount of cherry"
Cherry:*sigh* can't do the first dare, sorry
Bodil: why not?
Cherry: children drive me crazy...
Bodil: but aren't you still a child?
Cherry:*flips off Bodil* stfu.
Simon: for the second dare~
Cherry: Uke.*points at Bodil* Seme.*points at Simon* but for now Bodil is Simon's maid so..
Bodil: what is a"Uke" and a "Seme"?
Cherry: you do not want to know XD
Bodil: k..
Cherry:*splashes gender potion on Simon*
Cherry: you sound like your on your period XD
Simona: STFUU
~Time skip :3~
Bodil: a healthy girl!
Simon: yeah...
Bodil: what should we name her?
Bodil: k jeez
Cherry: 3rd dare.. Uhm kidda strange, oh well....*teleports into a closet*
Seto: Andd there she goes..
Simon: wtf is this 4th dare?!
Bodil: Simon! Not in front of the baby!
Seto: I'll take care of her*teleports Bodil and the baby to nursery*
Simon:*sigh* I'm gonna be a animal now...
Seto:*turns Simon into a dolphin*
Simon:*hic hic!*
Seto: water!*teleprts Simon into the pool*
Cherry: I'm back..
Seto: hey!
Cherry: last dare..
Seto: oh god..
Cherry: gotta do it tho
Seto: fine..*takes off shirt*
Seto: you ok?
Cherry: I'm fine.. Fangirl instincts..
Seto:*starts dancing*
Seto:*facepalms* she wouldn't last a second with her fav youtuber XD
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