@theturtlegamer asks: I dare Simon to be an ant and Cherry in cat form chasing him I REGRET NOTHING >:3
Simon: Oh sh!t
Cherry:*evil laugh*
Bodil: don't squash him though D:
Cherry: k....*turns Simon into an ant*
Simon:*tiny scream* NUUUUU!
Cherry:*turns into cat form* MROW!*starts chasing him*
Simon: AHHH!*runs*
Simon:*hiding under a chair*
Seto: Kay that's enough...*picks up Cherry*
Cherry:*meows* ;-;
Seto:*turns Simon back to a human* there.
Simon:YES!*hugs Bodil*
@Izzy401 asks: I dare Seto to run around shirtless in a empty abandoned street and then pick Cherry up and carry her to a tree house, then he closes the and kisses her for a while, and when that's done he jumps done from the tree house and runs around in a big, fluffy wool sweater when it's like 97* out.
Jeez that was long :V
Seto: ughhhhhhh...*takes off cloak and shirt*
Cherry:*nosebleeds* dammit....
Seto:*blushes madly* l-lets just get it over w-with..
Cherry:*blushes* k..*teleports to abandoned street*
Seto:*runs around* *picks up Cherry*
Cherry:*thinking*ahh! Dammittttttt!
Seto:*teleports into a tree house and closes the door* *kisses Cherry*
Cherry:*kisses back*
Seto:*breaks kiss and puts on sweater*
Cherry: heheh...*changes weather*
Seto: f!ck it's hot outside!*runs around the street*
Cherry*sigh* this is what I get for not updating X3
TheMuffinMan6879 asks: GOOD NEWS-if you ship sherry then I dare Seto to wear a maid dress and kiss Cherry
Simdil: WE SHIP IT!
Cherry:*growls* finnnnnne!*gives Seto maid dress*
Seto:*goes to the bathroom*
Seto:*comes out*
Cherry:*laughing* OMFG SETO XD
Seto:*blushes a bright red* S-SHUT UP!! >/////<
Cherry:*takes a picture* sending this to Brice~
Seto:*anime gasp* D-don't you d-dare!!
Seto: aahhhh! I'll get you back! >~<
Cherry: sly foxes..
Seto:*kisses Cherry*
Seto: ha, got you back
@DoodleDreamer99 asks: I dare everyone to become their pony versions of dem selves*pictures pony Bodil in a maid dress* *giggles*
Cherry: YAY*magic dust*
Bodil: holy sh!t I'm a ponyyyy!
Cherry: Bodil is a blue unicorn with sunglasses and a business suit and his mane is short and brown and his cutie mark is TNT! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!
Cherry: those are hooves... Nvm.. Simon is a brown colt earth pony with a light green and a dark green mane pattern and a watermelon helmet with gloves and his t-shirt his cutie mark is rage face O,O
Seto: this is weird....
Cherry: Seto is a purple unicorn with his cloak belt and everything he normally wears his mane is a dark brown and his cutie mark is a spell book! #perfection
DoodleDreamer99: what about you?
Cherry: Oh! I'm a pink pegisis with a white and pink mane pattern and I have my amult and my checkered hoodie! My cutie mark is a game controller!
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