Guess who did something?
A/N: Yayyy I've finally decided to stop being a lazy ass and update some stuff :D
Izzy401 Asks: Sorry XD j needed to
Dare everyone to turn into a puppy
Dare everyone to kiss their crush (from the group idiot)
Dare cherry so listen to changing the world and go around saying lines from it
Dare seto to make a love potion and use it on himself and cherry.
Cherry: Huh, I've never actually been a dog before..
Seto: I did make animal hybrid potions before but I've never tested them out yet.
Bodil: More ears on my head XD
Simon: Just get it over with.....
Dusk: ohh!! I love dogs!
Cherry: Alright *turns everyone into a dog hybrid*
Simdil:*investigating each other*
Dusk: Squirrel?
Seto: Ugh, my hood is making these ears uncomfortable. Guess I have no choice..*takes off hood*
Cherry:*le gasp* OHMEHGOSH*pets Seto* YOUR HAIR IS SO FLUFFY :O
Seto: And this is why I don't take off my hood.
Bodil: Nah man you look good without it!
Cherry: For those who are wondering I'm a husky hybrid, Seto is a German Shepard, Bodil is a Labrador, Simon is a Golden retriever, and Dusk is a Chewawa!
(For the second one I don't know who group idiot is. Please don't kill me ;^;)
Cherry:*listening to changing the world* Oh my god.*tears up* I-I can't say words like that.. I'm not confident or strong enough to say does overpowering lines.
Cherry: And for the last dare.
Simdil:*Lenny face*
Dusk:*tackles Cherry* GO!
Bodil:*splashes Love potion on Seto and Cherry*
Love: Hey deary~ I haven't seen you in a while *smirk* What? Did you miss me?
Soul: I'm sorry Love but you have to go back, Dusk is right in front of us. Sorry going to forcefully bring you back. My apologies for this interruption, voices from above.
(Also the aftermath wasn't good either :D)
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