Christmas speacial
@Izzy401 asks: I dare Seto to propose to Cherry with a donut, if she says no she has to wear a maid costume for a few days, if she says yes he gets to marry her, meaning we also get to see her in a wedding dress.
Seto&Cherry: NOPE!
Bodil: but you still need to change into a maid dress XD
Cherry: fineeee....
---------5 mins later----------
Cherry:*blushes* I cannot believe I'm doing this...
Seto:*looks at Cherry*
Cherry:*blushes more* S-Seto! You p-perv!
Seto:I'm sorrry!!! >//////<
Bodil:*nods at Simon*
Simon:*nods back*
Bodil:*pushes Cherry*
Simon:*pushes Seto*
Cherry: ack! What?
Seto:... Look up..
Cherry:*sees mistletoe* dammit..
Bodil&Simon: now.....kiss!
Cherry:*sigh* >\\\\< *kisses Seto*
Seto:*kisses back*
Cherry:do you have a deathwish Bodil?
Bodil: oh sh!tttttt XD
alleycat01134 asks: I dare.....Cherry to lap dance on Seto XD #sherryOTP XD
Cherry: W-WHAT!!?
Seto: what's lap dancing?
Cherry: A-AH!
Seto:*looking on internet*
Seto: lap dancing... oh.. OH! OH MY GOD NO!
Cherry:*slowly dying*
Seto: uhhhh... Cherry's breaking down..
Cherry:*slowly gets back up* I'm.. Fine....
Alley:*forces them into position*
Cherry:*nosebleeds then faints*
Seto:*gets away from Cherry* Alley you cruel thing..
Alley: XD
(Opening presents)
Seto&Cherry:*exchange gifts*
Cherry*gasps* oh my gosh Seto is this the new brewing set?!
Seto: yup!
Cherry: aww thanks!*hugs Seto*
Seto: annnddd... I got.... Woah a spell book with all the new enchants! Thanks!
Cherry: your welcome! *stops hugging Seto*
Seto: hmmm looks like Bodil gave Simon a new keyboard..
Cherry: X3 and Simon got Bodil a steam card! Cute!
Merry Christmas everybody! Don't let Santa Claus stalk you...... Oh yea and one more thing..
Cherry: Seto do it.
Seto: Yoshi!
Cherry: merry Christmas XD
Merry Christmas ;D
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