A lot of dares! Thanks <3
A/N: I just published my author's book, that's where will rant, post teasers about my other books, do tags, etc! Check it out if you can :3 Anyways, let's get right into the asks n' dares!
alleycat01134 asks:
Make sherry a thiiiiijnggsgsudvwi
I'll even draw a cover for it Kappa :v
ThatTrashFangirl101 asks:
Question: Who is da thickest(in hip size)out all of you guys?
(Btw Trashfangirl Simon is the thickest ;)
KatzSings asks: I dare simdil to do IT (you now what i mean 7u7) but bodil will be down,the uke, etc. And simon up :v (you can censor it if you like i dont mind just wanna watch reaction before an after)
Cherry:*smirks* welllllll.. Usually when Simon becomes the top it get's quite interesting, the first time Simon tried being top he had no idea what he was doing XD
Cherry: Do the dare and I won't tell anyone of this.
Simon: F-fine..
Cherry: Observe to your heart's content!
Katz: :33
*Simdil making out*
~After the smex~
Bodil: You've gotten better~
Simon: I know~
NakamuraKarouKun asks:
Do you still have love potion?
I want to splash it on simdil.
And plz let me record it :)
Cherry: Of Course~ Here, *hands you a love potion* You can do the honors~
Naka:*sets up camera then splashes the potion*
Cherry: This is gonna end up on Pornhub right?
Naka: >:3 *nods*
-smol little headcannon-
-When people are affected by the love potion, the go full on hardcore. It also brings out their kinks~
Izzy401 asks:
Dead cherry to be splashed with a neko potion and wear a maid dress, having to do whatever seto says :p also seto chooses put the maid dress style (there are alot of them..)
Seto: .... This one..
Cherry: That's actually really cute... I mean I have to wear it *picks up outfit* I'll be in the bathroom~
*After Cherry changed*
Seto:*splashes Cherry with Neko potion*
-A smol headcannon of mine-
-People affected as by Neko potion are more obedient and will have cat instincts etc.
Seto: Cherry. I'm going to ask you a question.
Cherry: Yes Master?
Seto: C-could you please drop the master thing?
Cherry: Okay~
Seto:*wasn't the actual question he wanted to ask*
Fatal_Error09 asks: If it isn't too much to ask, I would like to see a chapter with all of your evil personalities.
PoofieCasey asks: Someone..*whispers* try to break the ships....
Cherry: Well, that'll be interesting *evil grin* *whispers to you* Considering that I'm currently affected by the neko potion and I'm wearing a maid dress probably Bodil666 will go for me.
Bodil:*takes off sunglasses*
Simon:*grabs knife*
Seto:*hands flicker with a bright and powerful flame*
Cherry: Welcome..*transforms*
To Your Worst NightMare
???!Cherry: What the fuck am I wearing??? A neko potion??? Really?
Bodil666: Hello there love~ Why don't you come a little closer to me? I promise I won't bite~
SetoBlaze:*hands ignite* Don't play with fire, 666.
Bodil666:*turns to SetoBlaze* What? Is this jealously? That's disgusting. *grabs ???!Cherry and kisses her*
SetoBlaze: You scumbag!*eyes glow*
-Seto isn't really fully SetoBlaze, a part of him wants to protect Cherry-
Insane!Simon: Touch my co-worker and you'll die painfully.
SetoBlaze: Fucking come at me.
Author: Alright break it up you guys, I literally have the power to break you all. Anyways, ask and dare for a special chapter next time! Nightmare edition!
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