A Boring Story That I Also Wrote Pt 2
The car set off, and Will stoked my hair as I thought of something to say, I knew there was something I wanted to say, but I couldn't remember it right now, and that bugged me, because I was sure it was an important piece of info.
Will and his mom made small talk until when we were not that far from his house, I remembered my dream.
I turned to look at Will, still lying in his lap, 'Will' I said quietly as it was an important matter.
He looked down at me smiling, 'hmm?'
'Before I woke up in that hospital, I had a dream...'
His smile disappeared as he hitched me up into a sitting position, 'what was it about?'
'Well...I can't remember exactly, but we were in some sort of danger, we being demi-gods, and I told someone to 'go', and then I woke up'
'Can you remember the people?' he asked
'No, but I know it was on a quest, stupid quests' I rolled my eyes and sighed.
'Hey, it's okay, we can just have a break at my house first, and then I can ask my mom to drop us off at camp, sound good?' he looked dearly at me, trying to get me to relax.
I sighed and then said it was okay, seeing as we had arrived at Will's house now.
We got out of the car and went into his living room, a big beige room with two massive white patterned luxury sofas and a 32 inch flat-screen TV.
Naomi Solace put on a program and we plonked ourselves down onto the sofas, me and Will on one and Naomi on the other.
'So, do you feel better now Nico?' Naomi smiled at me.
'Yeah I'm fine now, I have no idea how I got hurt though still' I answered, scrunching up my face in confusion.
Naomi laughed, 'to be honest I don't think you need to, now you're out'
I chuckled, yeah maybe, I thought.
I rested my head on Will's shoulder and Naomi got an option of films out for us, Will chose to put on Percy Jackson, no matter how much me and Naomi moaned about the inaccuracy of it.
'Pleeeeaaase?' he begged, 'I love how much they get it wrong' he smirked, kissing the top of my head.
I sighed and rolled my eyes, 'fine'
When the film was finished, thank my father in his hellish realm, Naomi cooked us some chicken nuggets and curly fries with beans, cus, I mean, if we couldn't go to McDonalds then this was the closest home cooked meal to it.
We thanked Naomi for the food and ate up, having an Magnum each afterwards.
'So' Will began in between bites of his Magnum, 'let's go upstairs and talk'
I raised an eyebrow at him but followed willingly (willingly... gods I must stop this outrageous behaviour).
When we entered his room, a bright homey space (no surprises there), he sat on his bed and beckoned me to do the same next to him.
Too late I realised what he wanted to talk about, because right now, I didn't want to talk about the quest/dream I had.
Will finished his Magnum and threw the stick across the room aiming for his bin. Naturally, he missed the shot. I sniggered, earning a gentle slap upside the head while he retrieved it, trying again but closer to his bin.
'Will for the sake of not embarrassing your father just put it in' I laughed.
'Ugh, too much effort' he groaned, walking up to his bin and throwing the Magnum stick into it.
I laughed once again and he came and sat by me, pushing me down to lie on the bed while he wrapped his arms around me and breathed in deeply.
'So' he began, 'what—'
I turned to face him and said gently, 'I don't want to talk about it, Will, I know it's important and whatnot, but I just...' I sighed, 'what would it feel like to NOT have a quest for a while?'
He looked at me and ran his hand through my hair, 'Nico, you can't leave people in danger, I mean, your dream sounded serious'
I snorted, 'I didn't even tell you what happened, it could be really minor danger for all I care... at the moment'
We lay in silence for a few minutes before Will kisses my head once again and sat up.
'Wanna go see our friends?'
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