(Quick question did we ever remove the genderswap M!A? Cause I'm not sure I did. They are of course their original genders right now)
CiciTheNeko "Can i just *uses harpoon gun to shoot at the red sun* I AM NOT GONNA LET YOU TAKE AWAY MY FRIENDS!!!"
Yellow: -screams in agony-
Yellow: HoW dArE yOu AtTaCk Me!
Yellow: I Am tHe SuN. YoU cAn'T dEsTroY tHe SuN!
Yellow: I'm NoT a MorTAl
Yellow: I am NoT a PathEtIC HuMaN
Yellow: I caN't DiE!
Yellow: I cAn'T be HurT!
Yellow: I cAn OnLy gAiN mOrE PowEr mOrE EnerGy!
Yellow: aND yOuV'e jUst MaDe mE StrOnGer!
Yellow: DoN'T EveN ThInK aBoUt SeNdInG Me tO AnoThEr DimEnsIoN. I AlReaDy CloSeD ThE porTaLs!
Yellow: ThInGs CaN onLy Get WoRSE fRoM hErE!
Aya said "this has gone horribly wrong. Sound the fudgin alarm"
Yellow: ThAt Won'T bE NeCeSsaRy
Magenta: Yellow what is going on?
Yellow: NotHinG MagGiE.
Magenta: You're lying to be and I know it
Yellow: YoU'Re RigHt MaGgIE iM LoSiNG ConTrOl HelP Me Pl..PlEaSe 😱😣
Magenta: I... I won't fall for something like that again. That's how I died the first time......
Yellow: WeLl You CeRtAinLy Are SmArTeR nOW tHeN yOu WeRe BacK tHeN, BuT iT doEsn'T MatTer YoU Can'T saVE TheM.
Magenta: Yes I can
Yellow: YoU CouLdN'T EvEN SaVe YouRseLf OncE. LeT aLonE TwiCe!
Magenta. 😔
nayengal "*uses all her might to give ross a top gun hat* remember who you really are Ross!"
Ross: The hat means nothing to me. -Ross takes it off and steps on it-
-Jess is waiting with Energy Vacktor who is wearing a green onesie with anntenaes-
Jess: I really like your bunny ears
Energy: They aren't bunny ears they are anntenaes!
Jess: I'm pretty sure they aren't
Energy: Whatever my friends with be here shortly
Jess: Don't deny how you little with your bunny ears
Energy: 😑
-Soon Purple and Ross arrive-
Jess: Ross what are you doing here?
Ross: Oh hello Jess.
Jess: You're acting a little different your eyes look slightly red
Ross: Oh it's the red sun. I've been having trouble sleeping lately
Jess: Yikes that's not good. Your friend here -gestures to Energy Vacktor- said he'd find a way to bring me back to my universe
Jess: -notices Purple- Are you purple? Why does your skin look like that?
Ross: Mutant stuff similar to how I used to be a narwhal hybrid now I'm a squirrel hybrid
Jess: Right....
Ross: Energy meet Purple. Purple meet Energy
Purple: Bunny ears how pathetic
Energy: They're anntenaes!
Purple: Suuuuure they are
Energy: 😡
Jess: Purple? That reminds me of a friend of mine named Red
Purple: So you know of my brother?
Jess: Red's your brother and your named Purple?
Purple: Yes
Purple: So whose this fourth partner?
Jess: Partner?
Ross: Yes partner on a new science project
Jess: Your into science?
Ross: You could say it's become an obsession lately
Purple: ....
Energy: He's right here
-a figure emerges from the shadows and moves forward a twisted look on his face-
Yellow: GrEeTinGs BrOtHeR! >:D
Purple: I'm not working with him! -points at Yellow-
Energy: You two know each other?
Ross: They're brothers
Yellow: YeS aNd mY BroThEr PurPlE HATES mE!
-Purple looks at Yellow's clothes-
Purple: Did you go through my closet?
Yellow: -doesn't say anything. He just glares at Purple-
Purple: You look like a girl and not a very pretty one at that, then again you never looked good when you looked like a boy either
Yellow: -looks like he's about to kill Purple but Jess interrupts-
Jess: Are all of your siblings named after colors?
Purple: -with a slight hiss- Yes
Ross: Yellow where did you leave our "guests?"
Yellow: Don'T wOrRy ThEy'Re wAitInG foR uS!
Enegry: My siblings as well?
Yellow: YeS!
Energy: Excellent 😈
Jess: Can someone explain what's going on?
Purple: Excuse me I must use the bathroom
superpigdreams "*jumps off cliff*"
-Superpigdreams is no longer with us, she cannot submit M!As or questions because she is no longer alive-
-A funeral may be held for her next chapter if anyone would like-
Creeps "dear fudge purple"
Purple: I was always a bit more of a cake fan actually
Creeps said "Screams for all internally"
Purple: All I said was I prefer came over fudge
Purple: And I think you mean eternity since you said the word all, but you have not existed for all of eternity
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