No idea what to name this
(Go to Random stuff! and read a chapter called Little which I don't think anyone has actually read) (I want to update and add a second chapter but no ones read it)
Everyone has been genderswapped so here are there new names again
Red - Scarlet
Orange - Tangerine
Yellow - Sunny
Green - Jade
Blue - Indigo
Purple - Violet
Pink - Peach
Magenta - Taffy
Gray - Grey with an E now
Adam/Sky/Skybrine - Skylar
Max - Maxine
Ross - Rose
Jess - Jesse
Energy Vacktor - Power
Earth - Gaia
Fire - Lava
Air - Windy
Water - Ocean
Sunny: -starts glowing blood red from being turned into a girl against his will-
-Maxine, Tangerine, and Violet all curse loudly-
-Indigo starts to cry and cover her ears from all the cussing as does Ocean-
Skylar: Not again
Scarlet: Great we turned into girls again
Tangerine: Wait you were girls before?
Scarlet: Yes, Sky, Barney, and I were turned into girls when Preston found a "cure" for our sickness
Barbie: And the cures was turnings us into girls
Skylar: I'm still mad at Preston for that
Jesse: This is insane and I've seen a lot of insane stuff in my time
Maxine: I need to call someone real quick
Maxine: -walks over to the corner-
Maxine: When did I get these sunglasses they're so cool looking. -Maxine puts on the sunglasses-
-Every time Max puts on these sunglasses Max tends think he is some sort of agent. And then he "blacksout" so to speak and doesn't remember anything-
Agent Zed: Hello agent Shed this is agent Zedd. Yes I know I sound like a girl and that's because I am right now, I need some back up. Red Vacktor who is now Scarlet Vacktor has two evil siblings who locked us up and Ross Botsford who is now Rose is under the control of the red sun again and working with an evil element. It's a classic case 0516.
Agent Shed: -other end of the phone- I'm on the way
Agent Zed: -takes sunglasses off to wipe the sweat off her brow-
Maxine: What just happened? I blacked out for a second there again. I think this whole madness I driving in me insane maybe I'll sit down for a moment
The_Wolfish_Hunt said I guess you could say his vocabulary is colorful
Maxine: Was that a pun? 😡
Skylar: Oh boy. If there's one thing about Max/Maxine that I didn't miss it's the anger issues
Tangerine: Yeah my vocabulary is a colorful almost a *spectrum*
Indigo: That p..pun ** me a..way -slight smile-
Scarlet: I *red* some good puns on the Internet
Tangerine: -laughing- hue hue
Maxine: 😡
Gaia: 😡
Lava: Yeah Earth or well Gaia doesn't like puns all that much
Tangerine: *Orange* you glad I didn't make any puns about you?
Maxine: I'm leaving
-Since everyone wants Dreams to have a funeral-
Violet: Fine I'm not a complete monster. I'll burry her body and place some dead flowers on her casket. And I'm only doing this because I have to!
Violet: We can't have a funeral if we are trapped inside a room
-Violet puts Dreams dead body into a casket and puts a signal dead flower with Dreams-
Violet: Be grateful I did that.
-Violet then spits on the casket in disgust-
Minereader01134 asked what happened to Purple and Dreams wedding
Violet: I played Dreams for a full I never loved her or anyone. Same with my family honestly and everyone else
Sunny: You ReaLlY aRe a MonStEr BuT I'm WoRsE I WouLdVe BuRnED Her BoDY to AsHeS 😈
Purple Cyborg is trying to get Yellow or well Sunny to remember the good times like with Pablo
Sunny: -talking so that only the readers can hear her- PaBlo wAS a Toy. AnD TheRe WeRen't AnY GoOd TImEs. EvErYoNe HATED mE! 😡😡😡😡 And RighTFuLlY So I wAs a FREAK! 😡😡😡😡BeSidEs StOp TryInG tO bE a HeRo aND TaLk Me OuT of MURDERING everYonE. jUSt KiLl Me AlReaDy or DiE TryIng! 😡😡😡😡 bUt NoNe Of You or Even My PatHetIc F..F..FaMiLy Have The GuTs to FIgHt mE. TheY AlL ThInK im SwEEt ThaT I cAn Be SavEd! BuT I CaNT I'd RAtHeR Die ThEn Be SaVeD! 😈😈😈😈
Fire: Uh is this whole being genderswapped gonna wear off soon?
Peach: Well I'm not sure I mean I'd like to Pink again, but I doubt anyone will change us back for awhile. Besides if someone changed us back right away our bodies wouldnt be able to handle it that much
Jade: Even though I'd really like to be myself again and so would Indigo and Ocean who have gone into a panic attack
-Indigo and Ocean are curled up and crying while Lava and Windy try to comfort them. It is not working-
Scarlet: Hey where's Power (Energy Vacktor), Taffy (Magenta), and Grey with an E?
Violet: Taffy? Is that what boy Magenta is called? Well I'm sure he had another mental break down and decided to run away like a coward that he is. Grey well Grey has always been mysterious slipping away into the darkness is a thing he loves to do.
The_Woflish_Hunt said that Yellow was solar flaring
Sunny: SoLaR FlARe WhAt a GrEaT iDeA i WiLL BuRn EVERyOnE AlIvE! 😈
-Sunny starts to fly upwards her eyes turning red-
Sunny: WaHaHhhAhaHaHAhaHA! 🔴➕🌞=😈
-Indigo passes out due to fear-
To be continued
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