-Superpigdreams used the M!A of putting Yellow into a safety cage-
Yellow: HmM I Don'T NeCCeSsaRiLy aGrEE. I tHinK iT WoUlD bE BeSt If TheY wEnT InSiDe a SafETy cAge! ThAt'S WhEre I puT thEm LasT ChaPtEr :)
Yellow: SurPrizEd I wAs PoWerFuL EnoUgH tO IgnOre YoUr M!a? wElL I hAvE AlwayS SaiD i'M SuPeR PowErFUl. i alWaYs HaD tHE AbiLiTy To IGnoRe m!As!
Yellow: DoN't wOrRy ThE oTheRs aRe SaFe aNd SoUnd
-Timeskip to Purple-
Purple: -continues walking- What do you want?
Ross: You have incredible senses if you could sense me
Purple: Who are you what do you want?
Ross: I'm Ross I'm an inventor
Purple: You invent things?
Ross: Yes. My most prized possession is a Redstone calculator. It started me on a life changing journey
Purple: Life changing journey of what?
Ross: The joys of experimenting
Purple: You aren't gonna leave me alone are ya?
Ross: No
Purple: -sighs- So what's with the red sun?
Ross: -smiles- I'm glad you've asked...
Red: Hey where did Yellow go? He and Magenta were right behind us...
-Someone used an M!A to bring Jess here-
Jess magically falls out of the sky and lands in front of a person or Dino thing?
Water Elmental wanted Energy to arrive
Energy: Hello.
Jess: Where am I?
Energy: 😈 Allow me to shed some light for you miss
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