Our first dare
Rain: Hello! Welcome back to ask and dare! Today we are telling the trolls we have our first dare, by Igottarunformylife (I love your username by the way XD) She said, can the leaders prank each other? Oh, boy, I have a feeling Barb and one other particular pink troll might go crazy with this...
*Snaps in Broppy*
Poppy: Wait, back here again?
Branch: Oh hello again.... Um.. Rain.
Rain: Hi guys! Today, we have a dare for you. And Poppy, don't get too excited... You have to prank the other leaders.
Poppy: 🤩
Branch: Both of us?
Rain: Well, Poppy, but you can help her, "prank master."
Poppy: OhmygoshitsanearlyprankdaythisisgonnabesomuchFUN!
Rain: Uh.. Branch, you might wanna calm down your girlfriend...
Branch: *sighs* Poppy, 🎶You need to calm down, you're being too loud 🎶
Poppy: Wait- did you just sing Taylor Swift???
Branch: *smirks* I knew it was the only way.
Rain: Okay, have fun! *Snaps them out and brings Trollex in*
Trollex: What am I- oh, hi Rain!
Rain: Hi Trollex! And omigosh you're adorable! Anyways, we have a dare for you. You need to prank the other leaders!
Trollex: Ooh, sounds fun.
Rain: It is! You should actually see Prank Day in Pop Village...
*Trollex disappeared and Barb was brought in*
Barb: 🙄 not here again...
Rain: Yes, here again, and I know you'll like it. You have to prank the other leaders. It's a dare.
Barb: Ooh 🤩
Rain: *snickers* But don't go crazy with it, okay! *Snaps her out*
The Funk family: *appears out of no where*
Rain: Hey, how'd you get here?
Prince D: No clue. *Shrugs*
Cooper: *laughs his memorable laugh*
Quincy: I heard we have a dare.
Rain: Yes! You guys have to prank the others.
Essence: Ooh, sounds fun.
The twins: OOOH
Rain: *snaps them out* *Snaps Delta Dawn in* Hi Delta! Today, we have a dare.
Delta: Okay, what is it?
Rain: You have to prank the other leaders.
Delta: Oh, boy.
Rain: Anyways. *Snaps her out like the PuRpLe GrApE tHaNos* That's all for today! Part 2 where they do the dare is next. Stay tuned, and have a great day! *Turns off camera*
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