Dare for Poppy...
Rain: Haiii! Toda we have a dare from Sandrastar1 for Poppy... I feel bad for Broppy already. ;-; POPPY GET OVER HERE YOU GOTTA DO A DARE!
Poppy: okie OwO
Rain: Hai Poppy so someone dared you to act like you've been cursed to sleep until Branch kisses you awake k baiiii 😁
Poppy: wait wha- *sigh* I guess imma have to give Branch a heart attack.. 😳 until he kisses me *blushy blush blush* I guess that wouldn't be the worst thing though... ☺️
*At Poppy's pod*
Poppy: *lays down* okay, no smiling, no laughing, no nothing.
Rain: *sees her and goes to get Branch*
*With Branch*
Branch: *Collecting sticks*
Rain: BRANCH!! Branch, you need to come quick. It's about Poppy.
Branch: *worried as soon as he hears Poppy's name* What?! Where is she? She needs to be okay...
Rain: at her pod, now go!!
Branch: *runs all the way to her pod*
*At her pod again*
Branch: Poppy? Poppy?! Are you okay, gumdrop?
Rain: *trying not to squeal from Broppyness*
Branch: *sees her* Poppy! *Run to her side*
Rain: *comes in* She's been cursed to sleep... We don't know exactly how long...
Branch: *brushes hair out of Poppy's face and puts hand on cheek* My baby...
Rain: *thinks of fnaf ucn videos she's watching* O_O *thinks: not the Baby!!!*
Branch: *leans in to Poppy*
Rain: *almost squeals again*
Branch: *kisses her sweetly*
Poppy: *jumps "awake"*
Branch: AHHH! Oh my gosh Poppy, you had me worried sick!
Poppy: I'm sorry, it was a dare! *Hugs him*
Branch: *hugs tightly back*
Poppy: It's okay... I won't leave you ☺️
Rain: *ded*
Branch: Though I don't need you to be in a sleeping curse for me to kiss you... *Smirks*
Poppy: *smirks and grabs his vest and kisses him*
Rain: *ded again* AJSJDJDDN 💗💙 Okie guys we gotta end the episode. You guys can make out after.
Broppy: 😳 uhh hehe...
Rain: 😝 Okie bai guys comment dares and questions pls and ty
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