Dare for Broppy!
Rain: Is this thing on? Oh, it is. *Clears throat* Hello everyone, and welcome back to Ask and Dare! Today we have a dare from Sandrastar1. For this dare, we need Broppy on here! 😆 Broppy!
*Makes Broppy appear*
Branch: Wha- Oh not again 😐
Poppy: Rain!
Rain: Hai guys. Today we have another dare for you!
Branch: Oh trolly moly no.
Poppy: Branch, c'mon. *Grabs his hand* We gotta do it. Its a dare.
Branch: *softens up at Poppy's touch* Fine, fine. I'll do it.
Rain: *Dies of Broppy* Well, get used to it, we have *checks notes* 2 more dares that you have to do in future episodes, and that's not counting the ones that could be requested in the future.
Poppy: Okay, what's the dare?
Rain: Poppy, you have to fall asleep on Branch and Branch, you have to carry her to her pod.
Broppy: *blushes*
Rain: So, do you have a plan or something to get tired, Poppy?
Branch: Pfft, yeah. All I need to do is tire her out and then sing her a lullaby. Works every time.
Poppy: Hah, sure does. Why do you try to put me to sleep, anyways?
Branch: Eh, someone's it's cute, sometimes, you need a nap cause you're tired or stressed, and sometimes I need a break from you *chuckles*
Poppy: You want a break from me, do ya?
Rain: 🍿*nom nom*
* 15 minutes later *
Rain: Okay guys, can we just get to the dare already?
Branch: Sure. *Smirks* Poppy, come here~
Poppy: Nuh-uh!
Branch: *starts chasing her*
Poppy: AHH not the tickles!!
Branch: *started to tickle Poppy*
Poppy: 🤣🤣🤣 stop Branch! Help! 🤣
Five minutes later
Branch: *stops tickling her* Hey, wanna break? *Pats next to him, motioning he wants her to cuddle*
Poppy: Yes, please. *Snuggles with him*
Branch: You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged, oh I realize, it's hard to take courage in a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all, the darkness inside you can make you feel so small.
Poppy: 😴
Branch: *smiles at her. Picks her up and carries her to her pod. Lays her down.* Goodnight, my queen.
Rain: *trying not to squeal* okay, that was today's dare! Hope you guys enjoyed, and be sure to leave questions and dares in the comments! Now let's let Poppy sleep. *Turns off camera*
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