A/N I am now using my troll self in this book! Not a tiny human. If you haven't seen my drawing book, this is what she looks like AND OMIGOSH JUST SING CAME ON SJSJDJDJ:
Yeah, not the best. But let's get on with it!
Rain: Hi guys! Welcome back to Ask and Dare! (Where I'm obsessing and singing "Si lo tienes, lo no niegues, te quiero oír cantar!" Help) Today we have a dare from Katycat1600. Let's go to the trolls!
With the trolls
Rain: Hey Poppy! Hi Branch!
Branch: Ahh! Who are you? How do you know our names?!
Poppy: What he said!
Rain: Guys, it's Rain. I'm a Pop troll now. Well, actually, I'm a Pop troll that is basically Rain. Rain the human is over there. *Points behind the screen where I'm reading*
Poppy: ... Cool! *High fives Rain the troll*
Branch: O... Kay? Anyways, why are you here?
Rain: I'm here because we have a dare today! But we need everyone here. *Snaps in da leaders*
Trollex: Whoa! Why am I here again?
Barb: Hey, what the heck? I was in the middle of giving Debbie a bath!
Funk family: Here again?
Delta Dawn: Ooh, this place always keeps things interesting.
Rain: Hello everyone. I'm Rain, before you ask. Today we have another dare!
The other leaders: *groan*
Rain: *ignored them* Today's dare is... *Reads the dare* you have to tell us your crush!
Broppy: 😀
The others: 😳
Rain: 😏 Hehe, not my dare! Anyways, you should see your faces XD!
Poppy: Ooh, this is a piece of cake! I don't have a crush.
Everyone: 😕
Branch: 😑
Everyone: 😐
Poppy: *giggles* I don't have a crush. I have a love, and he's my boyfriend! *Giggles again, hugging Branch*
Branch: You.... Oh my gosh. *Laughs and hugs back*
Rain: Okay, I think... Trollex should go next!
Trollex: Uhm... I don't think I have a crush...
Rain: Okay. Barb can go next~
Barb: 0_0 uhh, hehe, um....
Poppy and Rain: T e l l u s n o w
Barb: FINE FINE FINE! riff...
Poppy: I knew you'd give in!
Barb: Okay, okay, I did the dare. Now can someone else go??? Cowgirl?
Delta Dawn: Ugh, fine, I don't have a crush, but I think a troll I really like is Hickory. He seemed nice.
Rain: Alright, good enough. Quincy and Essence? Cooper? D?
Essence: You already know ours...
Rain: *shrugs* Still. D?
Prince D:
Rain: C'mon, spill.
Prince D: Argh, alright, man... Oh my gosh not in front of Mom and Dad... 😣 *Sighs* Fine. There's this one troll I'm Vibe City...
Everyone else: *Giant scootch forward*
Prince D: *Crosses arms (wait a sec can he do that?)* That's all I'm telling.
Rain: Alright, thanks guys. Thank you to Katycat1600 for the dare and oh my gosh I have the fudging hiccups. Anyways, have a good day! *Turns off camera*
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